memory loss

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Angelina woke up to her mom staring at her, she jumped "mom what the hell are you doing?" Carolyn noticed the darkness in her eyes faded, and she smiled "nothing sweetie," Angelina felt good, like she slept really good. she checked her phone February 23. "what happened?" she rubbed her eyes, and her head as she started to get a headache "nothing, i made you something to eat, and some tea," she said as she brought the tray over to her. Angelina stared at her mom for a second "why?" Carolyn looked at Angelina, and her eyes showed that she was worried, but she hid it fast "you past out so i made you something that might help," Carolyn smiled. Angelina took the tray and drank the tea, and gagged "what the hell is this?" Carolyn looked at it "it's a special tea that makes you feel better, it's something that's been in our family history for a very long time, it's safe to drink dont worry." Angelina finished the tea, and ate the soup, which tasted way better than the tea "uh thanks i guess?" Carolyn nodded, and took the tray and left her room.

Angelina stared at her wall, noticing that some of her memory was missing from her mind "what the hell happened?" she looked at her phone, but nothing was different about her texts, they all sounded like her, but she doesn't remember sending any of them. she went on Brendan and hers messages, and her eyes went wide really fast "holy shit,"


i don't care about you, Brendan, you're just a fucking idiot

Angelina, what are you talking about now?

nothing, but you act like this whole thing isn't your fault. i wish we never met.

Angelina, what?

stop texting me, or i'll expose your secret to everyone.

Angelina stared at her phone, and started typing 'i'm so sorry," but quickly deleted it, not knowing why she even said that. he definitely hated her now, but she had to figure out what happened first, but that might be hard knowing her mom was a helicopter mom. she knew her mom wouldn't tell her anything she wanted to know, why would she? her mom would probably play off Angelina being a witch as a joke, but little does she know what memories are being hidden. Angelina ran downstairs, and saw Amy her mother's sister "hi, Amy!" Angelina said, and gave Amy a hug. Amy hugged her back and looked at her sister, Carolyn. Carolyn looked at Amy, and glared at her warning Amy not to tell her daughter anything that happened. Angelina looked at her mom "i think i'm gonna hangout with my friend today," Carolyn raised an eyebrow "who?" Angelina grabbed an apple from the fruit tray "Rori, she's friends with Cassie, and we became friends, and are friends to what i think" Carolyn looked at Amy, and then back at Angelina shaking her head "no," Angelina started pouting "please, please, please," her mom looked at her, and rolled her eyes "fine, but i want your location at all times." Angelina looked at her mom, and clicked 'share location' on her phone "there mother,"

Angelina went upstairs to change into crop top, and some shorts, and her vans. it was one of the hotter days in Osswood, which is rare at this time so when it happens, you have to take advantage of it. her phone went off which was a text from Rori letting Angelina know that she was there. Angelina looked at herself, and held up her hand where a small fire erupted from it, she smiled "nice," she closed her fist so the fire wouldn't get any bigger, and then went downstairs "bye, mom!" she said as she went to Rori's car.

Rori looked at Angelina as Angelina opened the door "girl, it's freezing out, how are you wearing that?" Angelina looked at her closed, and rolled her eyes, and looked back at Rori "this is warm to me," Rori laughed, and then started driving to the mall. pretty much all they did on the way there was just listen to music, Angelina was scared because last time she had this much fun the girl ended up dead, but then she remembered this time she has a little 'friend' that can hurt Zane, and Angelina noticed she was getting stronger. when she woke up, she felt way more stronger than normal, normally when she wake-ups, Angelina has to go to the woods and scream, but today she didn't feel that urge. she just felt relaxed, but she could tell she was stronger, she knew she was stronger, she just didn't know how. Rori started talking about some guy that she's apparently been stuck on for a year "yeah, his name is Jack Doyle," Angelina rolled her eyes "have you talked to him at least?" Rori looked at Angelina, and then the dress Angelina was holding "that's pretty..." Rori grabbed a army green colored shirt "were beat friends, he just doesn't really know about the crush part, nor the year part." Angelina glared at Rori, and laughed "you've had a crush on a guy for a year, and he doesn't know? come on the guy can't be that stupid." Angelina looked at the shirt Rori was holding "that's pretty, you should try it on," Rori shook her head "i cant afford this, i just thought it was cute."

Angelina held up her credit card "maybe you can't, but i can. so go try it on," Rori scoffed, and went in the dressing room "it's not going to look good." Rori said. Angelina rolled her eyes "you won't know that unless you try it on," Rori came out with the shirt on "it looks good, you idiot, it also makes you look like you have boobs for once." Rori glared at her "try on your dress i wanna see." Angelina went in the dressing room Rori was in and changed into the dress. Angelina looked in the mirror, and smiled i look pretty, she thought to herself. she walked out, and Rori's jaw dropped "holy shit, you look so good. oh my god. you have to buy that!" Angelina looked at herself in the mirror again, and smiled "i think i will, it looks nice." Angelina went back into the dressing room, and took the dress off, and went back to her normal clothes.

she opened the door, and Rori was missing no.. she thought. this couldn't be happening to her again. she started to have a panic attack, and continued to look around her, but Rori wasn't able to be found. someone tapped on her shoulder, and she jumped, and turned around to see Rori's face looking innocent. Angelina let out a big sigh "thank god," Angelina whispered. Rori raised her eyebrows, and looked at Angelina in confusion "did someone die?" Angelina laughed "no," Rori looked around them then back at Angelina "than why are you so red?" Angelina looked in the mirror and her face really was red "it happens when i try stuff on. allergic reactions, you know?" Angelina laughed to play it off. Rori clearly believed her, or didn't care because she went back to the subject of talking about the guy she liked.

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