mystery boy

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the guy stared at Brendan "i don't answer to you, i answer to her," he said pointing at Angelina. Brendan glared at Angelina, Angelina looked at him innocently "what? i don't know who this is." Brendan looked at the guy, and back at Angelina "ask him who he is. if he can only answer to you, you can get him to talk." Angelina looked at the guy "who are you?" the guy smiled, and knocked out of the phase he was in "my name is Alexander Grimmings, i come from a long line of witches, and i'm here to protect the witch with The Sight, which is you m'lady." Angelina raised her eyebrows, and Alexander bowed to her. she shook her hand, and her hands "you do not have to bow, please don't." with this Alexander stood up, and mumbled "i'm sorry," Angelina shook her head, and smiled "it's okay, may i ask where you came from, and how you found me?"

Alexander smiled at this, as if he waited awhile to answer it "i come from the Afterworld, where witches, vampires, werewolf's, and other supernatural elements go when they have past." he stood there for a second as if he was confused by the second question, and then perked up again "i was sent to protect you by Alice Center, she told me where to find you, and who you'd be with." Angelina glared at Brendan "your sister?" Brendan smiled awkwardly "i told you she'd protect you." he looked away from her trying to avoid her being mad at him. Angelina looked back at Alexander, and starting messing with the necklace as she was getting nervous. Alexander walked up to her, and held the pendant in his hand "oh! this is Alice's necklace! you're wearing it! oh, that's great! she'll be happy to hear that." Angelina moved back to get the necklace out of his hands "yeah," she forced a laugh "if you're a witch how do you run like a vampire?"

Alexander shook his head "that was not how a vampire runs. at least i think." he staring hitting himself. Angelina held her fist causing his hand to freeze in place "can we not do that?" Alexander looked at her, and had tears forming in his eyes "i'm sorry, princess, it won't happen again, i promise." Angelina looked at him confused "what do you mean princess?" Alexander looked away from her, and at the books on the wall, he muttered something, and a book came flying out, almost hitting Angelina in the head, she ducked in time. the book flew into his hand, and he started looking through the pages. he walked by Angelina, and showed her a page. Angelina looked shocked, Brendan noticed this "what does it say?" Angelina looked up from the book, and at him "not only am i the most 'powerful witch'" she said with quotations "i'm supposed to kill the entire race of vampires," Brendan looked at her, and grabbed the book out of her hands, and started reading what she did. when he was done he threw the book at Alexander "is this some kind of joke?" Alexander stomped his foot getting mad, lightening came out of nowhere as he did this "do i look like a joke?" he started tapping his food, and then walked back and forth "you know Alice warned me about you, she told me you wouldn't believe anything i said. she said it was a very bad idea, but i said i didn't care, that i was going to do it anyways. so here i am doing my job..."

Angelina rolled her eyes "yeah, you can just shut the fuck up. if i am the most powerful witch as you all say i am, that also means i can kill you and the Afterworld, and guess what sweetheart? i have no problem doing it." Alexander gasped as she said this "how dare you! you're a disgrace to witch kind." Angelina rolled her eyes, and laughed, she looked around the room, and noticed all the candles. she made them all come aflame, and laughed "you see sweetheart, i did that in two seconds, now what? it would take you at least a minute? maybe five to do that? so id just telling me what you actually came here for before i make your leader come back to life, and finish her off for good." Brendan walked out of the room after she said that, and ran downstairs. Alexander looked at her, and looked at the thing on his arm "you know, i- i think i should get g- going. it was nice meeting you!" Angelina closed her fist again, and Alexander fell to the floor groaning, and put his hands on his head, he starting screaming. Angelina let go "you ready to talk, bunny boy?" Alexander looked up at her, and tried to nod as best as he could "yes, m'lady."

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