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Brendan glared at Alexander who was hovering over Angelina's body, and kept saying "Is she going to wake up? She has to!" Brendan grabbed his arm and slapped him "Stop, she will wakeup when its time to." Alexander just went downstairs, and started stomping his foot, and hitting his head out of frustration towards himself "You failed your mission..." he hit himself again "Stupid, stupid, stupid." Alexander sat down, and just stared at the floor "What do I tell master? I failed my mission master? No, no, no, NO. I must complete this mission. I will complete it." Brendan came downstairs due to all the noise Alexander was making "What the hell are you doing?" Alexander stood up really quick, and wiped his tears "Nothing! I was just complaining about how ugly the floor is." he flushed quick. Brendan walked closer to him, and pointed to his ears "You do realize I can hear everything, and i did hear everything you said. And I'd suggest you get talking fast because Angelina isn't up right now, and i have no problem killing you." Alexander backed up, and tears starting forming in his eyes "You don't need to do that, that's not necessary at all." Brendan walked closer as Alexander continued to back up. Alexander closed his eyes for a second to get rid of the tears, and opened them to Brendan not being in front of him anymore. Alexander took a deep breath, and let it out

Brendan bit into Alexanders neck causing Alexander to scream. Brendan let go of him, and made Alexander face him "Do I have your attention now? You need to take me seriously because I can promise you I'm worse than your master." Alexander stared at him as he said this "No, we cannot be talking about master like that." Brendan rolled his eyes, and hit the wall "Okay, this is what we're gonna do, you're going to figure out some way to make sure Malikai will stay out of her body, and Im gonna talk to my brother. At least he's helpful." Alexander shook his head "I cannot do that," Brendan raised his eyebrow "And why not?" Alexander made a fist with his hand, and glared at Brendan. Brendan fell to the floor. Alexander hovered his hand over his neck, and the bite wound healed. He looked at Brendan, and Scoffed "Dumbass,"

Alexander went upstairs to Angelina, and lifted her up. He closed his eyes, and opened them. A purple wall looking thing appearing infront of them, he walked into it, and they came out into a different place. Alexander went to a house, and dropped Angelina at the couch "I'm home!" A woman came downstairs, smiling, she looked at Angelina "You brought her? How did you? What about Brendan?" Alexander rolled his eyes "Don't worry about him, Alice. He doesn't know anything, I acted like I was some slave to someone, and pretty much acted dumb." Alice walked over to Angelina, and put her head on her lap, and started playing with Angelinas hair "She is pretty," she smiled. Alexander stared at her "So am I done now? I don't owe you anything?" Alice looked at him "Well, you do owe me one thing." Alexander looked at her with confusion on his face "I thought I was done, that I had nothing left to do for you?"

Alice laughed "Well, people lie, you're done when I say you're done, and I don't think I said you were done, did I? No, I didn't." A;lexander glared at her "I was supposed to be done with you, with your family drama. You legit promised me I'd be done. Your family is nothing, but liars. Except Brendan isn't a liar after all." Alice glared at him "What did Brendan say that's apparently true?" Alexander smirked "I mean, I don't think I should tell you, he told me not to." Alice looked at Angelina and started putting her hands on both sides of Angelina's head "If you don't tell me, I'll kill her right now, don't think I wont. There will always be a next one, and a next chance." Alexander smirked "Well, I know you need her, there's something about her that you need her for." Alice glared at Alexander, and looked into his eyes while doing this. Alexander groaned, and put his hands to his head. His head feeling like it was on fire, he fell to the ground, and passed Alice looked at Angelina, and just smiled, and glared at ALexander "Finally," she stared at the photos on the wall of her brother, and clenched her fists causing the glass in the frames to break. She looked at Angelina who laid there lifeless "When are you going to fucking wake up?" She looked at Angelina as if she was waiting for a response, but Angelina couldn't respond. Alice got up, and went to go outside of her house. She looked at the goat, who had blood on its horn, and it's eye was replaced with dried blood. Alice pet the goat "Hi, juniper." the goat just looked at her, and made a noise. Alice got up, and walked to the house nearby. She knocked on the door, and walked in "Hello? is anyone here?" normally her 'neighbors' were home, but they didn't seem to be tonight. Alice walked around the house trying to find them "Jane? Street?" No response.

Alice walked up the stairs, and found their bodies upstairs. Alice stared at the bodies "Well, the pigs are hungry." She grabbed the bodies, and took them to the pig pen. The pigs dug in really fast once they saw the bodies. Alice ran back to her house with a happy trot. She looked at Angelina "Can you wakeup now?" She looked at Alexander "Now I wonder what i'm supposed to do with you." She shrugged, and went to her bathroom to start the bath. She started singing a lullaby, while she put soap in the bathtub. Alice got in the bathtub, and continued to sing the same lullaby.

Angelina started twitching, her eyes finally opened, and she sat up quickly. She looked around where the hell am I? She saw Alexander on the floor, and shook her head. Angelina went outside the house, to find that the sky was a blood shot red "There's no way I'm still in Osswood." She heard someone yell "Where is she?" and she ran to the house nearby. She saw a pig pen, and went there. She saw the pigs eating something, and walked closer until she realized it was two bodies. She put her hand over her mouth, and ran into the house, and locked the doors. Angelina grabbed her phone out of her pocket, and dialed Brendan's number, it rang like it normally would, but there was no answer. She tried calling Cassie, Jess, and Rori. Still no answer with any of them, Angelina thought it was weird since Jess would normally answer, and so would Brendan, that's how she realized something was wrong.

Angelina heard the persons voice again, and ran upstairs. She looked at the door, and a very thin gloss covered the whole door. She heard footsteps approach the door, silence, and then the doorhandle started shaking. She heard a slam against the door "Why isn't this opening?" Angelina heard chanting, and ran into the closet. She heard the door slam open. Angelina looked through the crack of the closet doors to see a blonde haired woman who looked like she was on drugs. Alice looked at the closet, and Angelina's heart started to race really fast. Alice walked over, and started laughing "Stupid girl," she opened the closet doors to see Angelina staring at her. Alice grabbed Angelina's arm "Let's go." Angelina stumbled over her feet "Who are you?" Alice laughed at her "Alice, I'm surprised you don't know about me. I thought my little brother would've mentioned me." Angelina stopped, and stared at Alice "You're Alice? Brendan makes you seem less scary looking." Alice growled, and forced Angelina to start walking again "You're one to talk. I have no clue what my brother actually saw in you. Ugly, and poor." Angelina laughed, and rolled her eyes "Sweetheart, at least I actually can use magic, and as for calling me ugly, and poor. Brendan loves my 'ugliness', and for poor, I'm far from that. Perks of you know stealing."

Alice kicked Alexander "Wake up! Alexander, wake up! Now!" Alexander groaned, and looked up to see both Angelina, and Alice looking at him "You're up," Angelina smiled awkwardly "Yeah, I am." Angelina faced Alice "So why am I here? How am I even here? I was legit just in Brendan's room." Alexander stood up, and laughed "Well about that. You went full psycho mode, and passed out, and I took you after I knocked Brendan out." Angelina growled at him "You knocked him out?" She shook her head "Why would you even bring me here?" Alexander chuckled "Well Alice needed you, so I brought you. Simple as that." Angelina shook her head again "I thought you couldn't do simple tasks? You know, considering how stupid you are." Alexander closed his fist, and Angelina's hands went to her neck. He cut off her airflow, he started laughing. Alice glared at Alexander "What are you doing, Alexander?" Alexander smirked "Just killing her, I mean you need her dead anyways." Alice groaned "No, I don't. Not yet at least so stop before I go kill your brother when I'm back." Alexander let his hand release "What are you waiting for?" Alice ignored him, and went to the kitchen. She grabbed a plate of a bloody hand, and pointed it towards Angelina "You want some?" Angelina gagged "No, that's gross." Alice shrugged "Your loss,"

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