dark side

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Jess looked at Angelina confused "how do you have that much control over what you do? you're new to this." Angelina looked at Jess than at the grimoire Brendan gave her "i've learned you have to focus and it comes from emotions most of the time, but with this," she said pointed to the grimoire "i can learn a lot more than i know." Jess looked at her concerned "Angelina, are you sure you want to do this?" she said looking at the spell Angelina was focused on. Angelina looked at her with a dark look in her eyes "i want Zane to feel as much pain as he can."

- 2 days later -

Angelina looked at the spell once more. it was finally the weekend which meant she could relax, and focus on what she needed. how she would get the ingredients? she wasn't sure about that, but all she knew was she was going to complete the spell, and get rid of Zane. Angelina looked at the candle and whispered "ignis," the candle lit fire, and she smirked "good, i'm getting somewhere." Angelinas phone started going off, Brendan, she answered it "yes?" Brendan sounded shaky "Angelina, Jess told me about the spell, you can't be serious." Angelina rolled her eyes and scoffed "Brendan, i'm going through with it, no matter what happens, nothings stopping me." Brendan looked at the wall, and then back out the window "Angelina, this is dangerous, you know how Zane is." Angelina looked at her phone, and hung up. Brendan looked at the wall again "Angelina?" he looked at his phone, and it was back to the contacts app "you're going to get yourself killed, Angelina."

Angelina closed the grimoire, and put it under her pillow as she heard her mom walking up the stairs. her mom knocked on her door "come in," Angelina said. her mom opened the door, and noticed Angelina had a dark look in her eye, she looked at the candle, and realized there wasn't any lighter nearby, she sat down on Angelinas bed "Angelina, we need to talk," Angelina looked up at her, and just stared at her mom smirking "yes, mother?" her mom shuddered as she saw the look inside her daughters eyes "you have it, don't you?" Angelina looked at the candle, and back at her mom "what ever are you talking about mommy dearest?" her mom pointed at the candle "there's no lighter in your room, i know that for a fact, the candle didn't light by itself." Angelina smirked "oh? so you do know what's happening? and you decided to never fucking tell me?" her mom started tearing up "it was supposed to happen earlier so i thought you would never receive them," her mom looked at the candle for one second, and the candle went out, and smoke came up from where the flame used to be "that is what i'm talking about." Angelina scoffed "yep, lying as normal, you hid something from me that could've been fucking important when dad raped me and when he hit me over and over again." her moms eyes started tearing up "i know i should've told you..." Angelina cut her off "too late now don't you think? clearly i'm not that important to tell something this important to." her mom looked at her "Angelina.."

Angelina scoffed, and rolled her eyes "you know maybe instead of hiding it, you could've told me like a normal fucking person would. at least tell me you could do it." her mom started playing with the comforter "i was going to tell you, and then everything with your dad happened, i was going to tell you on your sixteenth birthday, but when your dad did that your birthday was two days after, and i was giving you time to yourself." Angelina rolled her eyes, and pointed her hand at her mom causing her mom to choke, and hold her hands to her throat "do you like this? because that's what i've been feeling like." her mom tried to stop her, but Angelina was way too powerful than her mom was "Angelina... please... stop..." her mom choked out. Angelina relaxed her hand, and her mom tried to breathe, but it was hard considering her own daughter just cut off her air flow. Angelina looked at her mom, and glared at her "get out before i do something worse, mother," she said in a dark voice. her mom was surprised at how powerful Angelina was, and left the room. she dialed the only person she could think to call, her sister Amy Brown.

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