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Angelina woke up to the smell of blood, and quickly got up, and groaned as she saw Zane in front of her "What are you doing here?" Zane rolled his eyes and chuckled "Well you need blood, and Brendan is refusing to see you right now. Thought you'd want the company of someone whose pulse you cannot hear." He handed her a water bottle. She grabbed it "Thanks," she took a sip of it. She looked at Zane "Why is everything so much.. louder? How can fire kill me? What else do I need to know?" Zane laughed "Everything's heightened, not louder, I can't explain the fire part, I don't even know that. I'm going to assume it's because we're technically dead. Compulsion is something you can do, you just look into someone's eye, preferably a human if you want it to work. Witches, werewolves, other vampires, and anything supernatural can't be compelled. You can't go into the sun without wearing a ring that's been spelled, or a spell for yourself so you can't be proved to be a vampire."

Angelina grabbed Zane's hand, and grabbed his ring, and whispered something, and looked at her bracelet. She handed his ring back "Sorry, I needed the spell, and for some reason, I knew the ring would tell me the spell. Oh right, how do I still have my magic?" Zane put the ring on his finger again and looked at her bracelet "Because you have the Sight, I'm not sure how to explain it. Pretty much The Sight is very powerful, and you just breathing could kill someone, and especially as a vampire your powers are very much heightened." Angelina looked around "This just feels weird, it happened too fast." and then she remembered Rose "I'm going to find Rose, and kill her." Zane chuckled "You can't do that." Angelina closed her eyes, and focused on Rose, she saw Rose in a car driving somewhere "She's driving on route 49, she's headed towards the exit, and she has plans of going to Los Vegas." She opened her eyes and looked at Zane who was just staring at her in shock "Oh, uh, yeah I've been able to do that for a while. I figured it out when Brendan asked me if I knew where you were one time. It's how I know where everyone is pretty much." Angelina's phone buzzed, she looked at it "Oh, it's my friend hang on."

Angelina answered the phone "Rori?"She said confused. She heard slight breathing "Hey! Sorry, I'm in the car, I was just about to pass your house, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with me?" Angelina looked at Zane who was shaking his head "Which one?" Zane rolled his eyes. Rori tapped her phone "Gutter mall? Or Bethanne mall?" Angelina laughed at the names "You know those names still confuse the fuck out of me, but we could go to Bethanne." Rori squealed "Okay, good. I'm about to be there." Angelina looked at Zane "Can my friend come too?" Rori hit her steering wheel "Yeah, of course! Hurry up, and get ready bitch." Angelina hung up and looked at Zane "Don't even say it. You're coming, and I know you refuse to let me be alone." Zane rolled his eyes "Fine, whatever. Don't dress too slutty." Angelina scoffed "No! Never! Never me! I'm virgin Mary." Zane threw her pillow at her, and she ducked "Have to be quicker than that smart one." He ran to her and moved her to the wall. Angelina lost her breath for a second until she realized she can go without breathing "Wait we don't have to breathe?"

Zane laughed, and rolled his eyes "No, but it sort of just happens naturally." Angelina looked at him for a second, and stared in confused "How do you do that run thing?" He looked at her confused "What run thing?" Angelina huffed in frustration "The vampire speed run thing." Zane laughed and ran to her bed "This?" Angelina rolled her eyes "Yes, that you ass." He laughed again "You basically just do it, you act as if you're going to run normally, as a human would, and you put more force into it." Angelina did what he said, and she ran quickly to her bed, but stumbled over it, and fell onto it. Zane laughed "Something like that." Angelina threw a pillow at him "Shut up,"

-10 minutes later-

Rori looked at Angelina "You look different like you have a glow." Angelina looked at her "Yeah, I've been eating healthier than normal." Rori smiled "Well that's good, I think." Angelina looked around "Let's go to Victoria's Secret." Zane rolled his eyes "Why? I am the only guy this is torturing." Angelina pat him on the back "Deal with it or," She showed her fangs "That happens," Zane rolled his eyes "Fine," Angelina laughed, and took his hand. Rori looked at them weirdly "I thought you were with Brendan?" Angelina looked at her confused, and noticed she grabbed Zane's hand "Oh," she let go of Zane's hand, and looked at Rori again "We're on a break, stuff happened that I'd prefer to stay private."

The Dawn of The Cursedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें