the necklace

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Angelina got both Rori, and her ice cream from "Igloos" which was in the mall. Angelina thought about a place they stopped by earlier, it had necklaces, and rings which were clearly over a thousand years old. Angelina stopped eating her ice cream "we should go back to the Witches Brewery," Rori looked up from her phone "i thought you said 'it was dumb'?" Angelina rolled her eyes "i'm not sure how to explain it, but this necklace was calling to me. like it will not get off my mind. it refuses to get off my mind. it's like i was meant to have it." Rori looked at her confused "i mean, yeah, we can go back, but magic's not real so if you want something because it's 'magic' it's not actually magic." Angelina smirked only if you knew sweetheart "oh, yeah, of course not."

when they got there Angelina went to grab the necklace "wait!" the old lady that worked there cried out. the old lady ran over, and looked Rori up and down, and glared at her then the old lady looked at Angelina, and grabbed the necklace. she pointed to Angelina "you come with me.." then glared at Rori you stay here." the old lady took Angelina into a different room, and looked at her "you're powerful i can tell." Angelina looked at her, and laughed "what are you talked about?" the old lady rolled her eyes "you don't have to play dumb with me, you have The Sight, my dear, The Sight is powerful so be careful. you're not an ordinary witch, i can tell." Angelina just stood there, frozen, not knowing what any of what she was saying means.

Angelina looked at the necklace than back at the old lady "whats 'The Sight' and how do i have it?" the old lady grabbed Angelinas hand, and put the necklace over it making sure it was only hovering over her hand, not touching it "The Sight can be good, and can be bad, depends on the person truly. only some witches get it, but witches who have The Sight have never been alive while another witch who had it was alive. meaning when you die a witch will be born with the sight. i'm not sure how you have it, but all i know is that this necklace was calling out to you. i can feel it's energy, and your connection with it. only witches with The Sight can wear this necklace, and other like it, and can only be drawn to them." Angelina stood there, frozen, oh god. the old lady moved her hair, and put the necklace around Angelinas neck.

Angelina felt the rush of power come in her body, and then she felt nothing under, over, or around her, all she felt was the slight rush of wind, no intimate objects. she could feel wind in every direction, on every part of her skin. she finally felt the ground again, but lost her balance, and almost fell, but the old lady grabbed onto her. Angelina looked at the old lady "thank you, and how much does the necklace cost?" the old lady shook her head "no, no, it's no cost. no cost at all. the necklace chose you." Angelina gained her balance again "are you sure?" the old lady smiled "yes, i insist!"

Rori looked at Angelinas new necklace which seemed to be glowing now "wow, that's really pretty." Angelina looked at it, and smiled "thank you. i feel like it matches what i wear, and my attitude i guess." Rori nodded what the hell is she talking about? "i see it. you should wear a black shirt with it. that would look really really good with it." Angelina waved goodbye to the old lady as they walked away "that was fun," she whispered to herself holding the pendent in her hand. Rori looked at her "what?" Angelina kept staring straight ahead "nothing,"

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