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Angelina looked out of the window, and stared at her journal "What the fuck am I doing just sitting here?" She asked herself. She put her journal in her bag, and walked downstairs "Mom, I'm going to the park." Angelina walked out of the door, and went to her car. She started it, and looked around. She looked at the house remembering what Zane did. She hit her steering wheel, and a small dent formed. She started driving, and headed towards the woods. As she got there she grabbed her book bag, and locked her car twice to hear the beeping sound. She walked into the woods, and sat on a log, and started to write.

July 23rd, 2021
     Well I haven't written in this forever. I had my emotions off for awhile. Everything's starting to flood back. Everything I've blocked out is just started to come up again. Zane came to my house, and he almost killed my mom. Just to turn my fucking emotions on. I should've just turned them on awhile ago. Thankfully the blood passed through her system, and she's okay now. I made her forget what happened. Although she can forget it, I can't. It keeps coming back to my mind. If my emotions didn't come back, would he have killed her? Would he have continuing going? That's all I can think about. I haven't seen Jess since I bit her, and I'm scared to talk to her. I don't know if she's okay. I'm going to try, and talk to her later, and Brendan. I barely even remember what he sounds like. School starts next month, but I don't even know if I'm going to college. I got into Yale, my mom was proud of me when I told her, but I don't know if I even want to end up going. It used to be my dream school, and now it's not. Nothing I used to like is anything I like anymore.

Angelina heard a twig snap, and looked up, but something was put around her eyes so she couldn't see "Let me go!" She yelled, but someone snapped her neck. She woke up to someone in front of her "Angelina Brown," they smirked. She blinked trying to get her vision become clear "Who are you?" The person walked closer to her as she could tell because the shuffling of feet became closer "You remember Justin right? The guy you killed?" Angelina rolled her eyes as best as she could "Are you one of his friend's?" The person pulled her head up as it was falling backwards "No, I'm his boyfriend." Angelina laughed "Oh, how scary." She blinked more trying to clear her vision, but it was barely working. She felt something cold, and sharp go on her neck "You should be scared, little girl." Angelina laughed "Baby, I'm a vampire, you can't kill me by a knife, or did your boyfriend not tell you that? Oh, wait. He couldn't have told you because I killed him." She chuckled. The guy put more pressure on her neck, and blood started to form "I know what you are. I can smell it on you. I'm a werewolf, and if you didn't know my bite is fatal to vampires."

Angelina grabbed the guys hand with hers, and he screamed. She pulled her arms back, and forth causing the ropes to break. She wiped her hand over her eyes quickly, and her vision cleared "Have you never dealt with a vampire before? I mean you dated him, were you guys not kinky?" She smirked. The guy growled, and ran at her. She pushed him to the side, and held her fist down. He started screaming in pain "Look, I do not care who the fucks boyfriend you are, and I don't care that I killed him. Wanna know something? Here let me show you." She put her hands on his head, and showed him how she killed Justin. He pulled her hands away, and screamed "You're evil!" Angelina smirked "I know sweetheart, but if you want to last in this world, you have to become heartless. No one can protect you besides yourself." The guy growled "Why did you have to kill him?" Angelina rolled her eyes "Because him, and his friend were going to kill three very important people to me, and I obviously couldn't let that happen."

The guy glared at her "You didn't have to fucking kill him. You could've done a spell or something. Not fucking kill him." Angelina rolled her eyes "Look buddy, I don't care that I killed him, and if I'm being completely honest nothing you say can make me feel bad." She heard someone behind her, and turned towards them "This might." And they snapped her neck. The person looked at Justin's boyfriend "Are you okay?" Justin's boyfriend looked up "Who are you?" The person laughed "I'm Malikai, and you?" Justin's boyfriend stood up "My name's Tyler, Tyler Wilson." Malikai shook his hand "Nice to meet you Tyler." Malikai's eyes turned purple, and Tyler backed up. Malikai laughed "It's okay, don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe with me." Tyler's eyes turned purple, and went back to dark brown "Okay," he mumbled. Malikai chuckled, and walked away from Tyler "What is this place?" Tyler grabbed some stuff off of a table "It used to be called Forgotten Furnishing which is kinda funny because it's an abandoned factory." Malikai nodded "I see, I see. Why have you picked this place?"

Tyler handed him some stuff "We've reclaimed the building, and it's now called the Founding, but we picked it because no one will come here. A lot of people are scared of this building if I'm being honest." Malikai sighed "What do you guys do here?" Tyler pointed at the papers "We do tests on vampires, witches, fairies, anything supernatural pretty much." Malikai flipped through the papers "What kind of tests?" Tyler shook his head "I'm not supposed to talk about it." Malikai smiled "It's okay Tyler, your secret is safe with me." Tyler's eyes turned purple again "We try to make them not supernatural anymore, and do tests to make them attack their own kind." Malikai looked at him confused "But aren't you a supernatural yourself, Tyler?" Tyler nodded "Yes, but..." Malikai cut him off "There is no buts in this, Tyler. You can't be apart of the supernatural, and kill off other parts of the supernatural. Why are you guys doing this?" Tyler shook his head "Because some of them kill other people, and that's not right."

Malikai shook his head, and laughed "But Tyler look at what you're doing yourself. You're killing other people. It doesn't matter if they're alive or if they're dead, you're still killing them." Tyler shook his head "No, I'm doing what's right." Malikai laughed "No, Tyler, you're not." He looked at Angelina "Now why did you take Angelina?" Tyler looked at Angelina lifeless on the floor "Because she killed my boyfriend, and I wanted to get back at her." Malikai laughed "Angelina isn't apart of this Tyler, you can kill anyone else besides her, and her loved ones. Now let her go, and we'll handle this on our own." Tyler shook his head "I cannot, I need to figure out where she got her magic from, and why she can't be controlled." Malikai grabbed Tyler by his neck, and lifted him in the air "I'm where she gets her magic from, not some stupid little book, and definitely not what those papers over there say. Now let her go, Tyler." Tyler's eyes turned purple "Okay,"

Angelina rubbed her eye's, and tried to stand up "No, don't do that." She backed up "Who are you?" The man in front of her frowned "I'm sad you don't already know yourself. My name is Malikai, you must know who I am." Angelina shook her head "I thought you could only live through my body?" He shook his head "No, this is my real body, I have found it." Angelina laughed "Why do you talk like you're from the 1600's." Malikai sighed "Because Angelina I'm from the 1600's." Angelina frowned "Okay, but what do you want from me? I have nothing you want." Malikai put his hand out for Angelina to take, she shook her head "Angelina dear, you can trust me, it's okay." His eye's turned purple. Angelina laughed, and stood up herself "Your magic won't work on me, I thought you knew who I was? Clearly not. Your problem." Malikai scoffed "Such attitude," Angelina looked around "Where are we?" Malikai looked around "If I'm being honest myself, I have no clue." Angelina looked at Malikai "Why are you here?"

Malikai chuckled "Well because I have a message for you, and I have that dear Rose I need to talk to. Surely you haven't killed her yet?" Angelina shook her head "No, I haven't, but what is your message?" Malikai stepped towards her "You need to stop trusting those vampires, and you need to fully embrace The Sight, and help all that is lost." Angelina raised her eyebrows "What do you mean by that?" Malikai mumbled something to his self "That is for you to figure out my dear, now is there anything you need to ask me?" Angelina shook her head. Malikai smiled "Good, now I need you to do something for me." Angelina glared at him "What?" Malikai stepped closer to her "I will not hurt your family, or any of your loved ones." He put his hands on her head, and her eyes rolled back, and then went back to their normal placement, and turned purple "Good, my dear, you have joined me." Angelina smiled "What do you need me to do father?"

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