The Attack

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it was finally Friday, after school which meant Angelina could relax. Rose ended up coming over today instead of yesterday because Rose's mom wouldn't let her because "no sleepovers on a school night", "blah blah" Angelina said to Rose. Angelina admired Rose's clothes i wish i could wear baggy clothes out, my mom would never let me without it being a fucking argument. everything's an argument with her. Rose looked around Angelinas room and noticed a black rose, with a tint of red "does this have a meaning?" Rose went to touch it, but Angelina quickly stopped her "don't touch that!" Angelina walked over and put it back "it's something someone gave me awhile ago, someone important, i just don't want anyone touching it." Rose smiled "i understand." Rose admired the rose from afar and noticed the red looked like blood "hey, why does the red look so much like blood?"

Angelina looked at her probably because it has Brendans blood. she shrugged "i think it was the way it was made, it looks really pretty though." Angelina sat back down and grabbed a cigarette and offered one to Rose "no, i refuse to smoke, my mom says one could kill me." Angelina laughed "babygirl, ones not gonna kill you, but i do respect your decision so i'll back off. tell me if you end up wanting one or just grab one." she smiled Angelina looked at her phone, and got quickly bored of it "so what's your favorite place to eat at?" Rose's face quickly flushed with red "oh, i never get to pick a place so i wouldn't know." Angelina scoffed "nice parents you got there. what about any safe foods? anything you're comfortable eating?"

Rose took some thought into it "i like tacos, and ice cream." Angelina smiled "ever have taco bell before babygirl?" Rose smiled "i've never had it before, no one really cares enough to take me places to eat." Angelina rolled her eyes "yeah because those 'friends' you have are pieces of shit, you got me now. welcome to the land of Angelina." Rose smiled even bigger "this is fun." Angelina smirked and another one bites the dust she thought to herself. she threw the butt to her cigarette out of the window and closed it. she grabbed her wallet, and her phone "you have everything?" Rose went into her book bag and started freaking out "where is it?" she kept mumbling. Angelina looked at her confused "Rose, are you okay? what are you looking for?"

Rose looked up at Angelina "my wallet, i forgot it." Angelina laughed "like i said im paying for you so stop worrying about it. i understand what you're going through, and everything like that so i wouldn't want you to pay for it. you already suffer enough from your mind. you need a break from it." Angelina grabbed the baggy off her dresser "do you want one? it'll take the edge off, or we can smoke before we go, and you'll have the munchies." Rose looked at Angelina confused "you get munchies by cigarettes?" Angelina laughed "no silly, weed."

Rose looked at her and shrugged "i'm not sure, i've never smoked or done anything." Angelina smiled "you're safe with me don't worry."

Rose ended up caving in, and smoked with Angelina. when they got to taco bell Rose couldn't stop laughing. Angelina ordered a chicken quesadilla, and Rose ordered some burrito, Rose did the "make it yourself" thing. which sounded good at first, and now just looks gross, but Rose looked happy eating it and that's all that mattered to Angelina.

after they finished their taco bell, they decided to watch a movie. Angelina drove them to the mall, when they got there they rushed to the movie theater "shit which one" Angelina said laughing Rose looked up and the first one that caught her attention was Wonder Woman "we should watch Wonder Woman!" Angelina smiled "two tickets for Wonder Woman please." the ticket seller gave them the tickets after Angelina paid, and they ran inside. they got popcorn, pop, and some snacks (sour patch kids, small reece's pieces) they ran to the movie theater to watch it as fast as possible even though it hasn't started yet.

they looked at Diana Prince in awe, Angelina quickly went on her phone to follow Gal Gadot on instagram.

after the movie ended they sat there, bored, wondering what to do next. Angelina realized she didn't want to be doing this, she was just trying to make this girl feel better about herself, but it was working so the plan must've been working. Angelina looked at the poor girl and frowned, feeling bad for her "wanna get makeup?" Rose looked at her "do i really look that bad?" Angelina shook her head "nox of course not! i just find when i feel bad about myself i tend to put makeup on, and dress fancy or whatever, and it normally does the trick for me." Angelina smiled at her, but Rose still wasn't convinced "we should go walk along the bridge over there," she said pointing at the bridge. Angelina was hesitant at first, but then agreed to.

when they got there they just stared at the beach, instead of a river being near a bridge, Osswood has a beach. Osswood, Ohio. Angelina felt that something was off, but she didn't say anything about it because only she knows what it's about. Angelina grabbed her phone and pulled Rose near her "what are you doing?" Rose asked. Angelina smiled "just smile," and Rose did and then she clicked it. Rose looked at her confused "whyd you do that?" Angelina was looking at the photo "do what?" she looked at Rose. Rose started fluttering with her hands "no ones ever wanted to purposely take a photo with me." Angelina laughed "well, it's for memories, when you're having fun, take a picture. it'll make hard times easier when you look at those photos later, you know?" Rose scoffed and shook her head "nothing gets better, i hate my stomach, i didn't want to eat, all i wanted to do was shove my fingers down my throat and throw it all back up. i didn't want food inside of my body, but it's too late it's still there."

Angelina grabbed her hand and put her hand under Rose's face to softly lift her head up to make Rose look at her "look i understand that the calories, the numbers on the scale, how you look in the mirror just anything might bother you. but you are so beautiful, food isn't your enemy, it's your mind, it's the mirror. this.." she put her hand on Rose's stomach "isn't the enemy, this.." she pointed at Rose's head "is. you're so beautiful, and not eating is only going to make you look terrible. you feel cold, you get pale.." she shrugged "well more pale in my case, and your hair will fall out. it's not worth it so please eat. i know you probably do not trust me or anything like that, but it is so worth it to eat." Rose looked really shocked, her face was flushed red "h.. how do you know all of that?" Angelina frowned, and pulled up her sleeves, and her shirt to reveal her stomach "you see my stomach?" Rose nodded "okay.. well this..." she grabbed her phone, and went through her camera roll, and found old photos of her "this is what i used to look like until i stopped eating awhile, i would eat one meal, and then go a month without eating. i understand what you're going through more than you know, Rose."

Rose starting tearing up "i'm so sorry." Angelina smiled, and shrugged "it's all in the past it doesn't really matter anymore." but in reality it wasn't in the past she just didn't want people to worry about her more than they already did "hey, i'm gonna go smoke over there, take some time to think, okay?" Angelina walked to the other side, and grabbed a cigarette, and lit it. she checked her phone, but decided to put it away because she didn't want to be put into reality again.

Rose screamed, Angelina looked quickly "Rose whats.." she saw Zane and froze "wrong.." she looked at Rose who had Zanes hand around her neck, she looked at Zane and saw his teeth was out "please don't do this, Zane, it's not worth it. i promise it's not."

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