Valentines day

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Angelina woke up to her phone constantly going off, she groaned and looked at it Brendan lit up the screen, she ignored it. she hasn't responded to him in two weeks "i'm not fucking answering you dumbass." she muttered. she turned her phone off, and fell back asleep.

it was Monday, February 14th. Valentine's day. Angelina woke up to her alarms for once, and got up and did her makeup. instead of her causal look, she put hearts under her eyes, and she put on foundation and concealer, mainly to cover the big hangover from the party from the night before. she was going to another party tonight the annual Valentine's day party. she put on a red velvet shirt, and a red velvet skirt. she put on no show socks, and her black boots, and looked at herself in the mirror, and smiled "perfect," she curled her blonde hair, and everything fit together. she looked normal, happy even. which is good everyone needed to believe that she was okay, even if she didn't.

Angelina ended up walking to school today because she wanted the time to herself to think about everything. she still hasn't responded to Brendan because she doesn't want to tell him about the whole Zane thing, the police said she was attacked by an animal, but she knows the truth, she witnessed the truth, no one knows they were hanging out that night, so no one has questioned her, but she's waiting, she's waiting for it to happen, she knows it will.

Angelina went to the bathroom when she got to school to make sure she looked perfect, which she did, when she walked out everyone was there, so she walked confidently, and didn't care about anyone. Brendan saw her, and tried to say something, but she continued on walking, not caring about what he had to say fuck off dude she thought to herself. she noticed everyone's eyes on her, a couple guys were literally drooling, she tried to stop herself from laughing, but she couldn't help it "bitches are weird," she said to Cassie, as Cassie stepped next to her, and walked with her.

Cassie laughed "you just realized this?" Angelina laughed with her "nah, i just didn't pay attention to anyone before, but now i can do whatever without giving a shit about anyone. it's my world." Cassie rolled her eyes "get off your high horse dumbass, you're not as perfect as you think." Angelina stopped walking, and just stared at her "really bitch? you wanna do this? let's talk about how you put weights in your pockets when your at the doctors." Cassies eyes, and face felt hot, she started to feel tears forming, and looked around to see people staring at them "i'm sorry, it was a joke, i thought you'd know that out of everyone." Angelina ignored her, and walked to her next class English, which was thankfully the last class in her schedule.

-3 hours later-

an unknown number starts calling her, she had no reason to pick it up, but she had a feeling she should "who is this?" she asked, as a normal person would do "you know, Cassie was right, you're not as perfect as you think Angelina." Angelina just laughed trying to figure out who the voice was "uh huh, and you did the star sixty seven thing just to tell me this? why not call me by your own number? hm? oh, yeah, that's right because you knew if you called me by your actual number i'd know who you are. Hello Lexi." she hung up the phone before the girl could say anything. she laughed these bitches are weird as fuck bro, hop off my dick. she laid on her bed, and started to listen to music, her own music because the music at the parties is never her genre of music. she hears a banging at the door, and recognizes it very quickly no...

-April 17, 2020-

Angelina heard a banging at the door, she ran to the front door because she was excited. my dads here, she thought, but little did she know she shouldn't have let him in that day. she opened the door, and smiled. her dad looked at her, and frowned "move out of the way," she did as he told her to. why is he being like this? she thought to herself. she went to get him a snack she made for him, a banana split, it was her dads favorite snack, she handed it to him "here! look! i made it for you, daddy, it's your favorite. i spent all night making it for you." her dad grabbed her hand "go to your room." she dropped the banana split, frightened by what he just did. she tried getting out of his grip "you're hurting me. dad..." he gripped it harder "i said go in your room, Angelina."

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