Cottage house

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Angelina looked around "Where are we father?" Malikai looked at her "This is our house, daughter." Angelina looked around at the forest, and then at the garden "Its beautiful, father." Malikai smiled "I know my dear, and it's all ours. No one will bother us here." Angelina smiled, and her eyes flickered purple "How is Zane, and Brendan? How is Carolyn?" Malikai closed his eyes, and envisioned Brendan, and Zane "They're okay. They're wondering where you are. Shall I introduce myself, my dear?" Angelina shook her head "No, father, that's okay." He envisioned her mom who was carrying a bottle of vodka, and drinking it from the bottle "Your mom is carrying a bottle of vodka, she looks miserable. Should I tell her you're okay?" Angelina thought to herself "No, that's okay, that's not my problem." Malikai smiled "That's more like it." Angelina walked away from him, and into the house. It was a small cottage house, two beds, one in a room, and one in the living room, a small kitchen. Angelina went into the bedroom, and picked that bed. She looked in the closet which already had clothes for her, and Malikai. She looked in the mirror, and started remembering all the memories with Zane. She fell to the ground, and started groaning. Malikai ran to her "Whats wrong, my dear?" Angelina looked up at him, and glared "I remember everything, get the fuck away from me, Malikai."

Malikai shook his head "Oh dear," he bent down, and forced her to look at him. His eyes turned purple "Forget about Zane, forget about all of them. They don't care about you the way I do." Angelina started shaking her head, but when her eyes turned purple she went into a daze. She blinked a couple of times "What happened father?" Malikai held his hand out "You passed out. We were talking about our plans for Zane, and Brendan Center." Angelina brushed off her pants "Oh yes! I was thinking torture maybe? It would be fun to torture them after everything they've done to you father. What about Rose? Are we doing anything about her yet?" Malikai shook his head "I don't think so yet. I haven't thought out what we should do. Maybe some old style torture? Where I'll get into their heads, and make them go crazy?" Angelina stared at the wall, and thought to herself for a minute "What if I made them human again father?" Malikai looked at her, his eyes lighting up "You can do that my dear?" Angelina smiled "Yes, I can destroy any supernatural, even you father." Malikai stared at her for a second, and shuddered "Surely you cannot kill me, I'm immortal, I live off of other people."

Angelina rolled her eyes "Father The Sight makes it so I have control over everything. Magic has a loophole. Yours must've been me." Malikai raised his eyebrows "But how come no one else with The Sight hasn't killed me than?" Angelina raised her eyebrows, and chuckled "Because they weren't smart enough to do so father. Unlike me, I know how to use my magic to the max, and if that means killing you, than I shall do so father." Malikai shuddered. He didn't understand what this feeling in his head, and his heart was. He's never been scared of anyone, but Angelina was different he was scared of her. He knew she could end the human race by the snap of her finger if she really wanted to, but he refused to tell her this. Malikai went into the kitchen "Do you want something to eat my dear?" Angelina looked around the room once more repeating everything she did before to make sure she didn't miss anything "No, father. I would like to sleep if that's okay with you?" Malikai grabbed a cup, and put water into it "Yes my dear, that is perfectly okay, have a good nights sleep, sweetheart." Angelina fell asleep, but she kept having dreams of Zane, and Brendan Center she didn't know why she was doing this, and when Zane was killed in her dream, she woke up. She was covered in sweat. She looked around, and went into the living room to make sure Malikai was asleep, which he was. She went back into her room, and shut the door. She didn't know why she felt this weight in her stomach at the thought of Zane dying. She didn't even like the guy.

-3 days later-

She woke up to the sound of a loud bang, and ran to the noise only to see Malikai in the kitchen "Father what are you doing?" Malikai smiled "Goodmorning my dear, I was making breakfast for you. I haven't done this in a couple 100 years so it may be bad." Angelina laughed "I don't need food, I'm a vampire father or have you forgotten?" Malikai shook his head, and frowned "No, but I thought vampires could have human food?" Angelina shook her head "I mean we can, but it doesn't do anything, and it just makes me feel sick afterwards. I'm not sure about other vampires." Malikai set the bowl down "Do you at least want the batter? I know the pancake batter that has sprinkles is your favorite." Angelina smiled "Not today father. I wanted to go have a look around the woods." Malikai hesitated, and then nodded "Don't go too far, Angelina."

Angelina put her shoes on, and ran through the woods. She kept running to feel the breeze, and then she felt a rush of a wave go through her body. All the memories of Zane, and everyone in her normal life came flooding back. She blinked a couple of times before just staring into the woods "What is happening?" She fell to the ground, and started gasping for air. She looked back from where she came from, and started crawling over there. She felt her airway clear, and she could breathe again. She looked back in that direction, and wondered why that happened. She sat down, and thought about Zane. She missed him, she didn't know how she forgot about him. She started crying, and then she heard Malikai calling her name. She wiped her hand over her leg, and hit it really hard, and she heard herself scream. Malikai was in front of her, and he looked at her "How did this happen my dear?" Angelina looked up at him "I don't know, father." Malikai looked at her leg, and snapped it back into place "Look it's all better my child."

Angelina smiled "Thank you father. I feel much better now." She looked back, and noticed where she crossed had a small vale over it. She raised her eyebrows "What's over there?" Malikai looked at where she pointed, and shook his head "Never go over there, it's a bad place for you my dear." Angelina looked at him confused probably because it can make me feel again, and know who I am, she smiled "Okay, father, I trust you." Malikai picked her up, and ran them to the house. He set her down on her bed "Are you okay?" Angelina nodded her head "Yes, I'm okay." Angelina watched Malikai walk out of her room, and shut her door. She looked in the closets, and under the bed for some clue to getting out of where she was, but there wasn't any. Malikai opened her door when she was looking in her closet "Angelina, my dear what are you doing?" Angelina looked at him "Nothing father, just looking at the closets they look funny." Malikai frowned "You've already looked at the closets already. You gained your memory back didn't you?"

Angelina looked at him, she was scared "Yes, and what about it? What was that vale?" Malikai rolled his eyes "Well this wasn't supposed to happen." He looked at her "Forget about Za..." Angelina slapped him "That's not going to work on me anymore. When I sprained my ankle, I did a spell so you couldn't do any magic on me, and well as you know blood magic's more powerful than your magic alone." Malikai growled "Good luck getting out of here. I've spelled it so it'll only hurt you when you leave." Angelina laughed "I have always, and I mean always found my way out of things, but good luck getting out." Malikai looked at her "I can easily get out, while you cannot." Angelina smirked "Captionem, and with that good luck Malikai." She snapped his neck, and ran back to the woods. She ran to the vale, and walked through it. The same thing happened, she coughed, and more memories flooded back. Brendan, her mom, Jess, and Rori. She fell back, and started to feel a burn like vervain on her skin. She looked at the floor, and noticed the flower on the floor was in fact vervain. She jumped up, and ran to a tree. She looked around, and climbed up it, well tried to climb up it. It took her a couple of tries until she could actually get up it. She looked around, but all she could see were trees. She tried stepping up, but failed, and fell to the ground, a branch going into her heart.

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