he's back

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"Hello students... today we have a new student, Brendan Center." she heard Ms. Hunter say. she looked up and gasped. Brendan and her locked eyes for a minute. Cassie muttered "is that?" Angelina knocked out of the chance "yeah, sorry, yeah that's the famous Brendan Center." Cassie laughed "hey small dick how you doing?" Ms. Hunter glared at Cassie "detention Cassie Daniels!" Cassie winked at Angelina "worth it."

after awhile everything was going good until everyone's phones went off Ms. Hunter started yelling "is this some kind of joke? turn your phones off!" kids started muttering "is that Angelina?", "he really did fuck her.", "holy shit bro look." Angelina quickly grabbed her phone and looked at what was sent. it was a video of Carter fucking her while Angelina was whispering "no.. no.." Angelina slammed her phone down and quickly ran out of the classroom she ran to the bathroom and started crying. she heard the door open "whoever the fuck you are i'm not in the goddamn mood so get the fuck out."

"it's just me." she heard that soft voice. she looked up at him "how could you? how could you leave? why did you leave?" he ignored her questions "who's the guy in the video? you weren't that conscious in the video and i could hear you saying no over and over again." Angelina laughed and stood up almosr tripping "you... you don't get to care. you fucking left. you didn't care that you left. you didn't care about any of that. you just left. you didn't care about me. so go, go fucking leave again." she fell to the ground crying. he quickly went under her before she hit her head. as much as she hated him she grabbed onto him and started crying "i don't get it, why was i not good enough for you?" he started playing with her hair "you were good enough for me, i had unfinished business with people, that i couldn't tell you about. i wanted to tell you i really did. i came back a couple of times, and i was going to say something, but you looked so happy, and i didn't want to ruin that for you."

she remembered when she saw him at the mall, the supermarket, and when she went down to the lake at 12 in the morning. she looked at him "the mall, the supermarket, when i was walking to the lake?" he smiled "there's those, but also other times you don't know about. i just never wanted to hurt you so i never fully came back. i checked on you a lot. i asked your mom about you, but made sure she didn't remember it after i left so you wouldn't know." she scoffed and started laughing "so.. i really wasn't good enough for you that you couldn't even say one fucking word to me? you talked to my mom who legit fucking hates me? who literally wants me fucking gone. she legit told me she wanted me fucking dead, Brendan."

he sighed, and touched her hair, but she quickly smacked his hand away "she doesn't hate you. when i was talking to her she told me she regretted that. she said she blamed herself for when you actually went to the hospital. i know you somehow convinced them to let you out the last time someone tried to get you to go there, but she is so hard on you because she doesn't want you to be like her. when she was younger she almost took her life. in fact she was close to doing it, but her brother found her in time, and took her to the hospital, she was in the hospital for awhile because they had to get enough blood back into her system. if her brother didn't catch her in time she would've bled out. she doesn't want you becoming like her. that's why she's so hard on you."

she looked at him and froze "is that true?" he smiled and nodded "she said that you're beautiful in her eyes, and that she loves you so much, but she is so terrified of being on your good side because she's scared she'll end up screwing it up so she just stays a bitch towards you. she also said..." someone started banging on the door "who's in there? why do i hear a guys voice? this is the girls restroom!" Angelina went to look at Brendan to say "you should get out of here" but he was already gone. Angelina quickly put water on her face before the door was opened and the teacher looked at her "who else is in here?" Angelina shrugged "just me. you can check." the teacher did as she said and looked confusedly at Angelina "i could've sworn i heard a guys voice." Angelina shrugged again "i was on the phone with my dad so that could've been it?" Angelina suggested. the teacher shrugged "i guess so. go back to class sweetie." Angelina smirked as the teacher walked out. Angelina made sure she looked okay, and headed back to class, and put her no caring mode back into place.

Cassie looked at her "are you fucking okay?" Angelina laughed "why?" Cassie grabbed her phone and showed her the texts "the fucking video you idiot, and you weren't answering your phone." Angelina picked her phone up off the desk "it was right here that's why i didn't answer it genius ass." Cassie rolled her eyes "so now what do we do?" Angelina smirked "you know, i think everything will be okay. Carter will get what he deserves i know that for a fact." and then looked at Brendan who smirked at her. even though she couldn't hear him he whispered "that's my girl."

he noticed some girl staring at him "what?" the girl shook her head "nothing you're just really pretty." Brendan rolled his eyes "yeah, and i have my eyes on someone ugly fuck." the girl started crying. he started laughing "wack ass hoes."

the bell wrung and Angelina and Cassie decided to skip the rest of the day. Angelina checked her phone before she was going to turn it off because she hates when people ruin her "me time", but she noticed a text from an unknown number.

hey, you looked really pretty today. i hope to see your neck dripping red- Z.

she looked around for a second, and got really confused. is this Brendan? is he trying to fuck with my mind? who is this? maybe Brendan has the same number? she decided to text the number just in case.


hey so uh, was that you who texted me?

she didn't have hope as to that was still his number, but he responded quick.

what are you talking about? i didnt text you anything?

she sent a ss of the text to Brendan, and put her phone back in her bag not thinking twice about it. which she should've. Cassie and Angelina walked to Cassie's car and went to the alcohol store, but they were stopped by someone. "hey!" a guy said to them, more of to Angelina. she looked at him confused "who are you?" he smirked "my names, Zane, you might know me from somewhere. i know i know you." she looked at him and started to move farther from him "i.. i'm sorry i don't know who you are." he grabbed her arm "i think you do. i know your little boyfriend Brendan Center." he winked. she tried pulling her arm out, but as soon as she realized she couldn't. she realized who, and what he was.

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