Chapter 21

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Frank/Ghoul's P.O.V

​I watched as a small sliver of light revealed Party's masked face as he checked to see if it was clear. He checked all around, bobbing back down only once. Then he lifted the manhole cover completely and climbed up. I followed, Cobra behind me and Star behind him. Star closed the cover and we followed Party. It was dark enough out for us to sneak from cover to cover, unseen. By a wall next to the bridge leading to blind hq, Party told us to stay. He jumped over the wall and disappeared from view. I looked around the corner of the wall to see two guys in white wearing a mask with a black smiley face on. Party had called them black n whites. Original. Suddenly Party ran up behind one and snapped his neck. Then as the other turned, he hit him with the butt of his gun. Then he gestured for us.

​"There's a balcony round that side." He told us when we reached him, gesturing off to the side he came from. He headed that way, keeping in the shadows. We soon came to a space below a balcony. It looked too high up.

​Party looked at us. "Star give me a leg up, then Cobra give Star a leg up." He told them. "We're going in alone."

​"No." Cobra snapped. "I won't lose either of you. We go in together or not at all."

​Party looked pissed off. "It's faster my way."

​"No." Cobra said standing his ground. "Two Way's are better than one."

​Party grinned. "Smart arse." He muttered. "Throw my own words at me."

​Cobra grinned. "You always said it when we were younger." He reminded him. "I got what you meant. We are stronger and better together. You were right."

​Party's grin widened. "Your saying I'm right? Can I get that in writing?"

​Cobra laughed quietly. 

​Party sighed. "Fine." He threw his hands up in defeat. "We ALL stick together. But next time you follow orders. I'm trying to keep you safe."

​Cobra smiled. "I know and I love you for it."

​Star cupped his hands. Party backed up and ran towards him. Party's foot landed in Star's hands and Star helped him boost his jump. Party grabbed the balcony rail and hoistered himself up. Once over he waited for Cobra to join him. Cobra copied Party. Then Star motioned for me to go. I tried to copy the brothers, but they had to reach over and catch me. Once I was over safely,  Party and Cobra reached out to catch Star. They swung Star over, gracefully. Then Party took his gun out and tried the balcony doors.

​"I had to try." He grinned, then knelt down and took out two little weird screwdriver looking tools. Look, I don't know how to describe them. So sue me. He jiggled them in the keyhole. After two minutes I heard a click. 

​"So glad I learnt to pick locks." Party grinned as he stood up and opened the door. He led us inside. The room looked like a meeting room. One large table with about twenty seats around it. 

​Party ignored the surroundings and headed for the door at the other side of the room. He tried the door. This one was unlocked so he opened it slightly. He peeked out.

​Gerard/Party's P.O.V

​I looked out to see a empty, dim lit hallway. I'm guessing it's close, if not past, midnight by now. I nod to the others and they follow me out. I see a lift with a map next to it. So I check the map. It obviously doesn't show jail cells or prisoners holding cells. It shows the management suite on the top floor. Floor five is bot upgrades? and engineering. Floor four is human resources. Floor three is science labs. Floor two, where we are is offices. Floor one is medical centre. Ground floor is reception. If they're going to have Pony here, he'll be in either the science labs or a basement area. Science is one above us. So that's our first stop.

​I opt for the stairway nearby. Once we get up to the science floor, I pause. They will obviously be guarded. I need a plan and fast.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​I think hard. Guns blazing or silent and stealthy. Silent and stealthy I think. I look back at the others. "Try to not have to use your gun." I tell them, quietly. "Pony will be guarded. I don't know by how many. But we've been lucky so far. I think it's because it's past midnight. But we don't know if they have a alarm system here. We have to be silent and stealthy here. Because one slip and we're screwed." I look at Ghoul. "You NEED to follow everthing Star tells you. Me and Cobra have to pair up on this one. Cobra was the best student I taught so far. Star needs to be on hand for medical or technical support. So I'd appreciate it if you helped him."

​Ghoul looks a bit disappointed,  but agrees.

​I look at Star. "Look after Frankie...Ghoul with your life." I correct myself,  quickly. "Hold back from us. Let us do most of the work. Watch out for our backs. Once we find Pony, you and Fra...Ghoul take him while we guard you. Okay?"

​Star nods. "I swear on my life I will guard Ghoul and watch your backs."

​I look at Cobra with a sad smile. "You ready, bruv?"

​Cobra smiles back, "I'm ready. Are you?"

​My smile turns to a grin. "I was born ready."​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


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