Chapter 27

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Gerard/Party's P.O.V

​I woke up with an uneasy feeling. Somethings wrong. But what? I looked down at Frank. Well it's definitely not wrong what we did. I kissed his forehead, then detached myself from him and climbed out of bed. I cleaned myself up, quickly then dressed. Then I headed downstairs. Everyone else was asleep. Something still wasn't right. I headed to the garage and grabbed my gun and holster. I attached the holster in place on my thigh but kept the gun in my hand. Then I put on my mask. I thought turning on the radio would help clarify what was wrong. But D wasn't on yet. I left the static on incase D came on and went outside to check the perimeter. Nothing out front. I went around to the side. Bad mistake. 

​Frank/Ghoul's P.O.V

​I woke up to Mikey shouting really loud. I sighed, smiling as I remembered last night. I turned to see...a empty bed? Where's Gerard? I got out of bed, cleaned up then got dressed. I decided to find out what Mikey was shouting about. So I opened my door and headed downstairs. I froze when I saw him in tears, Ray hugging him tight. Bob was by the windows with his gun out, looking out the window. Mum pulled me into a hug. Where the fuck is Gerard?
​"He'll be okay, baby." Ray said soothingly to Mikey. 
​"There's too many out there." Mikey protested. "He'll die. I can't lose him, Ray. Not Gerard."
​I pushed away from Mum. "GERARD?" I shouted, rushing towards the door. Bob held me back, pulling me to look out the window.
​"Look." He insisted.
​I looked out to see at least one hundred zombies. Where the fuck did they come from? Wait.
​"Gerard is out in that?" I asked, tears beginning to fall.
​"Somewhere, yes." Bob answered, sadly. "We haven't seen him for a while."
​I tried again to break free. But Bob was stronger than me.

​Gerard/Party's P.O.V

​I picked up speed and launched myself onto a nearby lorry roof. Once on I laid down and panted for breath. After I'd gone around to the side of the house, I'd been ambushed by a shit load of zombies. I'd shot a few but was overwhelmed. So I'd ran. I heard the guys shouting for me earlier but I'm out of ear shot now. I sit up and check myself for bite marks. Thankfully I have none. Lucky for me, the zombies can't climb on lorries. I looked around. The house was only just in view. Too far away. Looking around more, I saw a moving van. I squinted to see the driver. Chemical Revenge. Yes. I stood up and aimed at the van. I have to be careful where I hit. My shot skims the front window. The van stops and Chem looks my way. I wave both arms and the van roof opens to reveal Blast Baby, Sand storm, Red Horizon and Cherri Cola. They start blasting at the zombies surrounding the lorry I'm on. Chem heads the van my way.

​Frank/Ghoul's P.O.V

​I finally see Gerard climb onto a lorry. He's surrounded. He sits up and checks his body. Then looks around. His eye's turn our way and I'm assuming they lingered on this house. Then he turned and saw something. He stood up and shot at something we couldn't see. He waved his arms. A few minutes later, zombies start to drop like flies. Gerard shoots​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ a few too. After a few more minutes,  he puts his gun away, backs up slightly,  then runs forward, jumping off the lorry. My heart stops. Until a van comes into view. Gerard sat on top, shooting the rotting zombies.
​"It's okay, Kobra." Bob shouts. "Chem and the others have him."
​Mikey pulls away from Ray and runs to the window. "Gerard." He smiles.
​Gerard and the others go around in circles, shooting every last zombie. After the last one is dead, he sees something in the distance. He says something to Chem then taps his temple. The van rears away from the house and disappears from view.
​"Where's he going?" I asked, staring out the window.
​Bob closes the curtains. "He saw something." He told me as he grabbed my arm and led me into the garage. "The tap to the temple was his way of telling us to think. Meaning we close the curtains and wait here till he sends us a message."
​I sit on the trans am and stare at the radio. I don't move for two and a quarter hours. Then the static changes to D's voice.
​"Your here with Doctor Death Defying. Bringing you the news from the desert. Chemicals in the desert have picked up some poison. Bringing it home for some rest. The baby survived the storm and is busy drinking some red cola."
​I frowned. What the fuck does that mean? It's all just crap to me.
​"The message to all you fun guys out there is I'll see you soon to pick up where we left off. In other news, about a hundred z's were re-ghosted. The final resting place is now the desert. And remember, little K's, you can always rely on me to bring you the rock 'n' roll to keep you alive. So enjoy this classic from Nirvana. Until next time, sunshine, this is Doctor Death Defying pumping out the slaughtermatic."
​I looked at Bob. He frowned. So I looked at a very happy Mikey. "Explain?" I asked him.
​He  looked at me, grinning. "Gerard's okay." He said. "​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Chemicals in the desert have picked up poison. Chemical Revenge picked up Party Poison. Gerard. You know who Baby, Storm, Red and Cola are. D had to turn it to code. The message was for you. Gerard said to Fun guys. You. He said he'll pick up where you left off when he returns."
​I kind of blushed at that.
​"​​​​Little K's are us. The Killjoys. Party was telling us that we can always rely on him to be there when we need him. So yeah. Gerard will be back soon."

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