Chapter 22

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Gerard/Party's P.O.V

​I lead everyone down the hallway. No dracs, no black and whites, no scarecrows. This is too easy. I don't like it. I notice four white guns on one of the tables. I frown at Star and nod at them. "Same design as ours." I said quietly. "How the fuck did they get my design?"

​Star frowned and shook his head. "Maybe through Pony?" He answered.

​I shook my head. "Not been here long enough." Then I noticed a red gun close by. Oh fuck. It can't be. Can it? I checked the door. Locked. I picked it then rushed in and grabbed the red gun. I checked it over. On the underside was a small soda can symbol. Fuck. It is. I put the gun in my holster and keep mine in my hand. "Hope to fuck your alive." I muttered as I headed back out. Star grabbed the other guns then followed us all out.

​Frank/Ghoul's P.O.V

​We checked all around the science labs. Nothing. We checked human resources. Nothing. On the bot upgrades and engineering floor, Star grabbed a bag and filled it with various bits and pieces. The offices were pointless. Party filled a couple of back packs with medical supplies on the medical centre floor. I carried one back pack and Cobra carried the other. The reception was empty so Party headed down to the basement. He paused by the basement door and turned to us.

​"It's been easy up to now." He said. "Too easy. This could be a trap. So I think it's best we go to my original plan."

​"No." We all said in unison.

​Party sighed. "If we all get caught, they'll be no one to let D know." He stated. "Star and Ghoul head out the way we came and wait under ground. Me and Cobra will meet you when we have Pony."

​Star sighed. "Fine." He said in defeat. "Look after Cobra for me."

​Cobra hugged Star.

​I walked over to Party, throwing my arms around the back of his neck. "I love you too." I whispered in his ear as he rested his hands on my hips. "Please be careful."

​He kissed me on the lips, briefly, then pulled away. "I will." He stated with a smile. "I have to keep my brother safe and be back to train you." He winked at me suggestively and I blushed.

​"Ready, Cobra?" He asked as Cobra walked towards him.

​"I'm ready." He said holding up his gun. "Are you?"

​Party smiled at me. "Always." He said, then turned and opened the door​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​.

​After they disappeared through the door, Star led me back the way we came.

​Gerard/Party's P.O.V

​I walked down the corridor quietly with Cobra by my side. We'd turned left and come across two doors that way. The first door was a storage room. The second had weapons in it. There was a lot of battery cells in there so we filled a back pack we find thrown in a corner. I carried this one. Once out the door we went down the corridor adjacent to the door. It was a dead end with a door on the right. After picking the lock, we realised it was empty. So we back tracked to the stairwell door. We went straight past it. That's when we heard a noise down the corridor on our left. I peeked around the corner to see four black n whites just turning down a corridor on the right. Further down, outside another door, at the end of the corridor was three more. Seven so far. I looked at Cobra. Then I pointed straight on and a turn. He got what I meant. He stayed close to the corner of the wall. I looked to make sure the bnw's weren't looking my way. When I was sure they weren't,  I rushed to the other corner and carried on down the corridor until I came to another one on my left. I looked around the corner to check it was clear. Three bnw's were walking my way. I looked at Cobra and signalled three. He nodded. I counted down from three in my head then rounded the corner and shot them quickly. Cobra shot those by the door. We headed down our corridors till we could see each other. Five bnw's stood in the middle of us. They opened fire and we shot back, dodging their lasers. When they were all down, I headed towards Cobra, shooting two who were in the nearby office. Cobra carried on down the corridor he was on and I joined him. Another corridor reared off to the left. We checked the room the bnw's Cobra shot were by. It looked like some sort of torture room. There was fresh blood everywhere. Oh god. Please don't let it be them.

​We headed down the other corridor and picked the lock on the door there. Sure enough,  Pony was in there. Tied up next to the owner of the gun I found.​​​​​​​

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