Chapter 41

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Party's P.O.V

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Next morning.

I dragged myself to the bathroom after a restless night. My wound was throbbing. I held my hand over it as I used the toilet. Then I washed my hands and leaned against the sink. One elbow on the side of the basin, my head down and eyes closed.
"You okay, baby?"
I opened my eyes and turned my head to see a very worried, very sexy Ghoul stood watching me. I smiled, weakly. "I'm fine, sweetheart." I said, quietly. "Just a little tired. Not slept much. Too much pain. Ya know?"
He walked towards me and stroked my cheek. "I'll check the medical supplies you brought back." He kissed my lips, briefly. "Maybe I can find some pain killers. Why we didn't check earlier, I don't know."
I sighed. "Because I'm a stubborn ass and would have turned it down."
"Will you take it if I bring you some now?"
I rested my forehead on his. "I don't want to." I sighed again. "But I need to sleep if I'm to get well enough to marry you next week."
He smiled. "In that go lay down and I'll be back as fast as I can."
He helped me get back to the bed, tucking me in and kissing me before leaving the room.
I laid on my back and closed my eyes. I know things are going to get bad very soon with blind. That's why I need to get better fast. I'm not sure if I'll survive the next scarecrow attack. So I want to marry Ghoul first. I know he wants us to get married. So I will marry him next week. No matter what it takes.
"Here, baby." Ghoul said as he climbed in bed next to me.
I opened my eyes and smiled at him. "Thank you, honey." I said, taking the two tablets and swallowing them down with a big mouthful of the glass of water he passed me. I cringed at the horrible taste, then squeezed my eyes shut as the motion caused another pain.
Ghoul took the glass of water away and put it on his bedside cupboard. Then he laid down on his side, facing me. He grabbed my hand in both of his and rested his cheek against my shoulder.
"Sleep now, baby." He muttered, smiling up at me.
I smiled back at him as my head started to go fuzzy and I started getting really tired. The pain in my side was subsiding. "I love you, Frankie." I muttered, sleepily as my eyes closed. "I promise to make you happy. I know Mikey will look after you when I'm gone. So I can go peacefully."

Ghoul's P.O.V

I frowned at Party's words as he drifted to sleep. What did he mean by 'When I'm gone'? I don't understand. It's probably because he's tired.
I snuggled back against him and fell back to sleep.

Star's P.O.V

I adjusted my scarf around the lower half of my face. Kobra did the same with his. Then I picked up Party's mask and headed towards the tunnel.
Kobra closed the car door and followed behind me.
A tall guy dressed in white with a black mask on stepped forward.
"Where's Party?" He asked as I held the mask up.
"Temporarily unavailable." I answered.
The guy looked at Kobra. "I know you." He stated. "Your Kobra Kid."
Kobra frowned. "How'd you know?"
The guy smiled. "Party never stops talking about his awesome brother." The smile vanished. "Just like blind never stops looking and planning to kill Party." He held a folder out to me. "I owe Party my life. Before the apocalypse, he dragged me out of the water when I got cramp. Lucky he was close by. So I owe him. Just give him a message for me?"
Kobra nodded. "Sure."
"Tell him to make the fuckers suffer. But be careful."

Party's P.O.V

I sat up, slowly, with Ghoul's help as everyone walked into the bedroom.
"How did it go?" I asked Star and Kobra.
Kobra frowned. "Why did you never mention that you saved a guy from drowning?" He asked.
"Wait." Ghoul said, looking at me wide eyed. "You what?"
I sighed. "It was before the apocalypse." I stated. "After Dad....died. I sometimes sneaked out when Mikey was asleep. I needed to clear my head. I was always awake anyway....."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Kobra asked as he sat on the bottom of the bed. "I could have helped...."
"How?" I interrupted. "You were grieving too. I had to protect you. I had to comfort you when you had nightmares. It's my job."
Kobra sighed. "I could have still helped."
I shook my head. "You had enough to deal with."
"You had more."
"I could handle it and I did." I pointed out.
"You shouldn't have had to." Kobra said, sadly. "I should have realised and helped you. What kind of brother doesn't notice when his own brother needs him?"
"A great brother who has problems and is grieving." I pointed out. I moved to grab his hand. Bad idea. I closed my eyes and groaned in pain.
"Maybe we should get back to how you saved this guy's life?" Kobra said, grabbing my hand.
I opened my eyes and gave him a grateful smile. "Thanks."
"So." Star said. "About this guy....?"
"Well..." I sighed. "I was walking by the lake when I saw him flailing. So I just....dived in. It's no biggie."
Ghoul smiled as he rested his head on my shoulder. "You would say that." He laughed. "But your a actual hero."
I rolled my eyes and picked up the file. I flicked through it and frowned. I was right. Apparently I'm the main target. They want me dead. I'm number one priority. Go me. I read a little further. Shit. I need to recover and fast. I have to stop this.
"Well?" Ghoul said, sitting up to frown at me. "What's happening?"
I looked up at each person. I opened my mouth, then closed it. "Well I'm number one priority." I started. "They want me dead."
Ghoul shook his head. "Like fuck are they gonna kill you." He snapped.
"Too fucking right." Kobra frowned. "They'll have to get through us first."
I sighed. "No. Your priority is the mb's." I said. "We have to get this file to Dr D."
Kobra stood up, fast and glared down at me. "That's what you meant earlier." He snapped, tears on his face. "You want to die. You knew they wanted to kill you."
"No." He snapped. "Your going to just give up and leave me."


Update at last.
Love as always. xxx

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