Chapter 32

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Ghoul/Frank's P.O.V

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

One hour later(I estimate). Base.

I sat on the hood of the trans am with my arms round Party's waist and my head on his shoulder. He had his arm across my shoulder, waiting for D to broadcast.
"Come on, bruv." Mikey said, grinning. "Admit it."
I felt Party laugh. "Why would I admit that?" He said. "I never fancied ANY of my teachers. Even the 'extremely hot' Mr Robertson. I didn't actually agree with you lot."
Mikey laughed. "Bull." He muttered. "You were watching his ass all year."
Party laughed even louder. "Dude." He started. "Did you NEVER notice how clumsy he was? Every fucking lunchtime he sat on some sort of food stuff. Me and Ray were trying to work out what he'd had for lunch. It became a game."
Mikey shook his head just as Ray walked in. "Course you were." He said in disbelief.
"Hey, Ray?" Party said as Ray sat on the couch by Mikey and Bob, pulling Mikey into his arms. "Remember Mr Robertson?"
Ray laughed. "Obviously." He admitted. "He ate a lot of curry."
Mikey frowned at him. "How do you know?"
"Because he always sat on it. Me and Gerard spent all year playing 'guess the ass food'."
I looked up at Party. He grinned as he kissed my forehead. "You didn't think I was really watching his ass with interest, do you, honey?"
I smiled at the nickname. "Honestly? No." I admitted.
He smiled. "I know this sounds very cliché. But I never had any interest in anyone..." He kissed my lips, briefly. ".....Till you."
My eyes widened. "No one? Honestly?"
He grinned. "I guess I had a very brief passing interest in Cola, once."
I lowered my eyes, sadly. Fucking Cola. I hate that guy.
He lifted my chin to look in my eyes. "I meant COCA cola." He grinned.
I punched his chest and pouted, my arms crossed. "You fucking ass." I snapped.
He tried to pull me back in his arms, but I moved away and sat by Bob.
"I was kidding, babe." He tried.
I ignored him and stared down at my feet. He knows how much I hate the guy. It's not fucking funny.

Party/Gerard's P.O.V

I sighed as Ghoul ignored me. What? I can't have a laugh anymore? Just because he hates Cola? Cola is still a friend. Even if he does have a major crush on me. I don't like Cola that way. So why should it matter? Whatever. If he's gonna be a dick about it, he can sleep alone until he grows the fuck up.
I stood up and turned the radio on. Then I opened the drivers door and sat in the seat, legs out. D was due to speak any second now. I rested my elbows on my knees and stared at the floor infront of me. Suddenly static noise came over the airwaves, followed by D's voice.
"Look alive sunshine. Good news from the zones. The party's still in full swing. The parents tried to crash the party to no avail. No one can stop the party. But bad news follows good. A storm brewed up around the mbp's. The mbp's survived. Only the storm was ghosted."
I froze. Sand Storm is dead. I stood up and punched the wall, several times. My knuckles were bleeding, badly. But I couldn't stop. Sand Storm was actually called Sandy Stark. He was a good friend from when I was younger. I met him when I was six. I can't believe he's dead.
"Your scaring me, Gee." I heard Mikey say as Bob and Ray pinned me against the wall. "What's happened?"
I felt tears on my face as I looked around. Everyone looked worried. Frank was being held back by his mum.
"Gee?" Mikey said, pleading with me. He usually used my nickname when he was REALLY scared.
I looked at him."Stark..."
He shook his head. Then froze. "No." He dropped to the floor in tears. I pulled myself away from Ray and Bob, dropping down to hug him.
"I don't understand." Bob said.
I closed my eyes as Mikey cried into my neck. I rested my cheek on his head as I rubbed his back. I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Stark is Sandy Stark." I reminded them. "He saved some prisoner mb's and didn't make it." I opened my eyes and looked at Bob. Tears began to fall again. "He's fucking dead, Bobby." I started to shake. "He's been there since I was six. Now he's....dead. I don't know if we can handle losing anyone else, Bobby."
Bob dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around me and Mikey.
"Fuck this." Ray said after a few minutes. We all shot him questioning looks. "We have a tech genius and the smartest leader in history. We can definitely work out a way to protect us all in the future. So get your fucking ass in to gear, Party. We're going to work this out before blind strike again."
My mouth dropped open. The tears long forgotten. Ray just snapped at me AND ordered me around. Fucking hell. He NEVER does that. "Fuck, Ray." I said, standing up and helping Mikey and Bob up too. "The fucking apocalypse made you grow some."
"And it's fucking hot." Mikey added as he walked into Ray's arms.
"Ewww." I gagged as I turned away. I headed out the garage, into the house, ignoring Frank as he called me.

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