Chapter 34

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Gerard's/Party's P.O.V

I hugged Ghoul as he slept. Smiling down at him. Suddenly the bedroom door flew open and three dracs rushed in, dragging Kobra. They threw him onto the bed. He landed on Ghoul. They both sat up straight, reaching for their guns. I grabbed mine. I shot a drac in the head. He didn't die? What? Another drac aimed for Ghoul. I jumped infront of the laser beam and shot him. He didn't even flinch. The other drac shot at Kobra. I jumped infront and shot back at him. Again? What the fuck's happening? They walk out. I look back at my brother and my boyfriend. They were both dead. Blood everywhere.
"NO." I shouted.
A pair of hands grabbed me from behind. I spun around to see Star looking back at me with anger. "Why didn't you protect them?" He snapped.
I shook my head as Skeleton and Horse walked in the room. D, Baby, Pony, Chem and a bunch of others I'm supposed to protect, walked in. They were all covered in blood. Gaping holes in them in various places.
"You were supposed to protect us." They said in unison.
Kobra joined them. "You promised mum you'd protect me."
I opened my mouth to speak. Then Ghoul stood up and joined them.
"What kind of boyfriend are you?" He snapped. "You let me die. You let us all die."
"No." I protested, moving to the top of the bed. "I tried to stop them."
"No you didn't." Mikey added. "Your a coward. You let us die."
I hugged my legs as everyone moved towards me. I could feel the tears streaming down my face.
Then I spotted Mum. "You never cared about any of us." She sneared.
Sandy walked beside her. "We would all still be alive if you'd been a proper leader."
Dad walked in. "You didn't even try to save me."
Grandma Elena walked in. "I am so ashamed of you."
They all got closer, pointing out my failures. I screamed as they reached out and started pulling me apart.

I sat bolted upright in bed, screaming and sweating. I was shaking uncontrollably.
"Party?" Ghoul grabbed my arm.
I bolted from the bed, looking down at him as everyone rushed into the room.
"Gee?" I looked at Kobra. Mikey. My little brother. I'm supposed to protect him. How can I do that when I can't even protect myself?
I backed up against the wall and slid down it. Sitting with my knees against my chest, my hands on my knees. I kept my eyes on him.
No one moved. They just waited. After a few minutes Ghoul spoke. Everyone, except me, looked at him. "He was upset last night." He explained. "He doesn't think he can live up to being a proper leader."
I shook my head. This isn't right. "Mikey?" I whispered.
He turned to look at me and headed towards me. He smiled as he knelt down infront of me. I pulled him into a hug. That dream fucked my head up. I had to make sure it wasn't for real.
Mikey laughed as he hugged back. "What's this for?" He asked, trying to pull back a bit. I refused to let go.
Instead I looked at Ghoul. "Baby?" I said, tears in my eyes.
He rushed towards us and I pulled him into the hug. "Don't ever leave me." I pleaded.
"I'll never leave you, baby." Ghoul told me.
"There's no way I'm leaving you, bruv." Mikey added.
I pulled back to look at the others in the door way. "Guy's?" I kept a arm round Ghoul and motioned for them to join us. Star and Skeleton joined us. I looked at Ghouls mum, Horse. "Horse?" I held my hand out. She smiled, then joined us.

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Twenty minutes later.

Ghoul and Kobra hugged me as we all sat on the bed. The others were sat on the bottom, watching me with concern.
"What happened, Party?" Star finally asked.
I sighed as Kobra moved to hug Star while they both looked at me. I rested my head on Ghouls lap as he stroked my hair. "A nightmare." I said as I looked up at the ceiling. "Worse than any I've ever had."
"Wait." Mikey said. I looked at him. He was frowning. "What do you mean by worse than you've ever had? When did you have nightmares?"
I sighed again. "After Gran died." I admitted. "After Dad died. Not after Mum because I haven't been sleeping. I couldn't handle another one."
Mikey looked shocked. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I'm your big brother." I stated with a small smile. "I'm supposed to be looking after you. Not the other way round."
"But I never knew." Mikey said, sadly.
I reached a hand out to hold his hand. "I didn't want you to know." I said, softly. "You were in a bad way with your own. That's why I try to never break down infront of you. I do it behind closed doors." I looked at Ghoul. "Ghoul has helped calm me down." I reached my other hand up to stroke Ghouls cheek. "He's seen me break down and has been there to calm me down."
Ghoul smiled as he cupped my hand and kissed my palm. "I'll always be there, baby." He told me. I smiled, then lowered my hand, still holding Ghouls hand, and looked back at Kobra.
"I'm not as strong as you think." I told him.
Kobra smiled. "Your wrong." He told me. "Your stronger than YOU think. You've dealt with this AND been there for everyone your whole life. I'm just glad you have Ghoul to help you through it now."
I smiled back up at Ghoul and brought our hands to rest on my stomach. "So am I."
"So what was the nightmare about?" Skeleton asked.
I sighed and told them everything. Including how I felt.

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