Chapter 40

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Party's P.O.V

I leaned against the wall and held my right side as the blood seeped through my fingers. I watched Dr Death Defying as he updated our situation.
"The Party's still kicking but needing a little entertainment...."
I grinned. I know he meant I'm okay but need patching up. But a little entertainment made me think of Ghoul. His unique kind of entertainment is just what I need right now.
"....All party crashers couldn't handle our Party....."
Translation: Blind couldn't outrun my laser beam.
"....So have left, never to return...."
I'm sure you understand that one.
"....So back to the fun. Providing the Chemicals allow it. This is Dr Death Defying signing off...."
Pony passed me a cloth to hold over my wound. "You sure I can't sort that before you go back?" He frowned.
I sighed. "Yeah." I assured him. "I promised Ghoul I'd be back. So I'm keeping my promise."
"He'd understand."
"I know. But I promised." I looked at D as he approached me. "Still up to performing the ceremony?"
D smiled. "Of course." He said, happily. "It would be my honour."
I smiled back at him. "Next week okay?"
"Come on, Party." Chem called from the door. "The sooner we get you back, the sooner Horse can fix you up."

Ghouls P.O.V

I watched with concern as Chem led Party to the door. She had to hold him up as he held a bloody cloth over his right side. Skeleton took over as Chem left, waving goodbye.
"Oh god, Party." I cried out as Skeleton laid him on his bed. "Oh, baby."
Party closed his eyes. "I'm okay, honey." He said, turning his hand on the bed to grab mine.
I grabbed his hand and laid beside him, my head close to his.
"Let's see what we're dealing with." Mum said, moving Party's hand and the cloth. "It's gonna need stitches, hon."
Party frowned. "Awesome." He said sarcastically through gritted teeth. "A needle. It just gets better." He groaned. "Stay with me, Ghoul. I might just be able to handle it if your here."
I kissed his cheek. "I'm not going anywhere."
"How bad is it?" Kobra asked, concerned. "Will he be okay?"
Mum smiled. "He'll be just fine." She assured him. "He's just going to have to rest for a couple of weeks."
Party shook his head. "Can't. Shits about to kick off with Blind." He explained. "Have to protect kid, Kobra and Ghoul."
"It's my job to protect Kobra now." Star pointed out.
Party shook his head, frowning. "Still have to. My brother."
"He's my boyfriend."
Kobra sighed. "Don't I get a say in this?"
"No." Party and Star said in unison.
"Doesn't matter either way." Mum said. "Your not moving for a couple of weeks."
Party opened his eyes and looked at mum. "But..." He closed his eyes, quickly as mum raised the needle into view. She grinned. "That's what I thought."
Party gripped my hand, tight and gritted his teeth, face contorted with pain as mum started stitching him up.
"D...fuck..." He started.
"Language, young man." Mum said.
"You try....getting a....damn...needle jabbed....into you....shit....with no pain....relief when you have a pho....fuck...phobia of 'em.....oww...."
I leaned over and kissed his forehead. "It's nearly done, baby." I assured him.
He turned his head to face me and opened his eyes. He gave me a pain filled smile. "Can't rest....two weeks....D next w.....week."
The pain in his eyes made my eyes water. I stroked his cheek. "We can wait a extra week." I kissed his lips, briefly. "As long as your okay, I can wait."
He closed his eyes, tightly. "Fuck...." He moaned. "Need to....find out....what blind are...up to..."
"I'll organize a scout party." Star said. "They can scope out...."
"No." Party snapped, looking at Star. He frowned. "Sorry...pain. I...have a...inside guy."
I frowned at him. "A inside guy?"
He turned to look at me. "A fr....friend. No...nothing to...get jealous....about."
I shook my head. "No. I'm not getting jealous. I promise."
"G...good." He looked back at Star. "He' in...touch tomorrow. tunnel...we get P...Pony. L...lunchtime. M...must have mask with....You."
Star nodded. "Okay. Consider it done."
"Take...Kobra with...You.'ll ever...have."
Kobra smiled. "Apart from my amazing brother."
Party groaned. " this."
Kobra waved his hand in the air. "You forget, I know you." He stated. "If shit goes down, no matter what state your in, you'd still out shine the rest of us."
"Quit swearing." Mum sighed.
Kobra frowned. "You let Party swear several times."
"As he pointed out, he's in major pain." Mum countered. "What's your excuse?"
"My brothers pain is my pain." Kobra tried.
Mum shook her head. "Nice try. But not good enough."
Kid giggled. "Kobra got in trouble."
Party grinned. "How l...long, Kid?"
Kid looked at him with concern. "Since you got back." She bit her lip. "Will you be okay? I don't like you getting hurt." A tear slid down her cheek.
Party smiled at her. "H...Horse is f...fixing me up. I...I'll be fine. D...don't worry, H....Hon."
"All done." Mum said, cutting the thread and putting a extra large plaster over the wound.
"Thank fuck for that." Party said.
Mum laughed. "You don't have an excuse now."
Party grinned. "Sh...sugar."


Update. Wooo.
Love as always. xxx

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