Chapter 6

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Frank's P.O.V

I stared at the drawing. The town's a wasteland? Shit. What about the people? Are we the only survivor's? What about..."Mum?" I spun round to look at Gerard. "What about my mum? Did she survive?"

Ray froze too. "I can't believe I forgot about my mum." He muttered.

Gerard stood up. "Right well I think I should go see what's happening out there." He stated as he grabbed his car keys.

"I'll go with you." Mikey said, standing up.

Gerard spun to look at him. "No." He ordered. "We need this place sorting. The windows need boarding up. We need to check if there's enough food for us. The rooms need sorting upstairs." He checked his phone. "I guess there's no point in these right now. No signal." He looked back at Mikey. "Do we still have Dad's old ham radio?"

Mikey frowned. "I think it's in the garage. Why?"

"We may need it." He sighed. Then frowned as he stared into space. "May be a good idea to bring down that radio I decorated. See if anyone's out there." He looked at Ray. "Your the mechanical genius. Might be a good idea to turn those laser gun ornaments I made into working weapons. See what you can do. Then let me know what you need. We don't know if we're going to have to use them. But it's better to be safe than sorry." He looked at me. "I'll need your address so I can check on your family."

I gave him the address which he wrote down on the back of his hand then frowned. "Your not going alone?"

He sighed. "Look, I'm faster on my own." He stated. "I can scope out the area. Pick up anything we may need and be back before you know it. Besides, I'm also the best fighter. Not bragging. Just being honest. Speaking of which." He looked at Mikey. "Can you make some training equipment?"

"Yeah." Mikey frowned. "You can't go alone."

Gerard sighed as he hugged him. "I'll be okay." He said as he moved away. "Right. I'm going now."

I followed him upstairs. I grabbed his arm before he had chance to open the door. He stopped and turned to look at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked with concern.

I stood up on my tip toes and pulled him in for a kiss. He was shocked, but kissed back. I sneaked my arms around his neck as he pulled me towards him by my waist. The kiss only lastest a few seconds. But it was very loving.

"What was that for?" He asked as we pulled apart. "Not that I'm complaining."

I smiled. "I've wanted to do that since I first saw you falling off that bench, laughing." I reach up to kiss him again, briefly. "Please be careful out there." I told him. "Make sure you come back to us. To me."

Gerard kissed my forehead. "I will." He said. "I promise."

Then he opened the door and left, closing the door behind him.

Gerard's P.O.V

I walked into the middle of the street and stopped to look around. No one in sight. I looked back over at my house. Frank was still stood watching me. I smiled and waved then took off in a sprint towards Ray's house.

It doesn't take long to get to Ray's house. The house is destroyed. But I checked the rubble. No body. That's a good sign. Right? Then I headed for Frank's place. The house was in a bit better state than Ray's, but it was still in a bad state. Again I checked the ruins. I checked the stairs. Upstairs was completely gone. The kitchen was still there. I heard a sob coming from below the stairs. In the basement. I opened the door and looked down.

"Mrs Iero?" I called as I headed down the steps to find her. "My name's Gerard Way. I'm a friend of Frank's."

"Frank?" A voice called from the far corner.

"Yes." I answer with a smile.

She walks towards me. " he...okay?"

"Yes, Marm." I inform her. "He's at my house with my brother, Mikey and my friend, Ray."

She cries as she throws her arms around me. "He's okay." She whispers.

"I'm sorry, Mrs Iero." I say as she calms down and moves away.

"Linda." She says.

I smile. "Linda." I say. "We need to get you back to Frank."

I led Mrs...Linda to my street and pointed her to my house with a backpack full of food we'd gathered from Frank's house. Then I set off to see how bad things were. So I headed towards the school.

All that was at the school was more rubble. But then I saw something that made me feel heart broken and had me running for my life.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm hoping to update tomorrow night too. Have a very happy Christmas. Love you

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