Chapter 8

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Gerard's P.O.V

I dropped the phone and pulled Ray into my arm's. Mikey joined in, hugging us both. We cried at the loss. Maria Toro, Ray's mum, was always there for us. Our entire lives we knew her. She was like a second mum to us. Just like our mum was like a second mum to Ray. So now we all felt we lost two mum's within a day. Life is fucking shit. All we have now is eachother, Frank and his mum. Even Bob was awol. I stopped crying and stood up quick. Everyone stared at me in shock. All silent as they all stood up too.

I looked at Ray. "Do the gun's work yet?"

Linda frowned. "Gun's?"

"Yeah." Ray said. "Why?"

"Get me the yellow one." I said as I headed down to my room. Everyone followed. I grabbed my yellow mask from my artwork cupboard. Party Poison is finally real. Goodbye Gerard Arthur Way. Hello Party Poison, zombie fighter. That's going to be my life from now on. I slip the mask to rest on my hair. I'll put it on before I leave the house.

"Here's the gun." Ray said, passing me the yellow laser gun. "But what are you going to do?"

I sigh as I attach the holster I made to my belt and thigh, slipping the gun in it. "We've lost too many people." I state. "We're not losing anyone else. I'm going to find Bob. Goodbye Gerard Way." I pull the mask down to cover the top half of my face. "Hello Party Poison." I head for the stairs, ignoring everyone's pleas and shouts to not go. I stop at the door. "Lock the door behind me." I said, then shot outside before they could stop me.

I run behind a car and turn to see Linda holding Frank back and Ray holding Mikey back. I have to do this. I know it's dark. But Bob could be alone. He might not be able to survive till it's light. I have to find him now. Before it's too late. The Killjoys never abandon anyone.

Time Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

Twenty minutes later. Outside the hospital.

The hospital looked like something out of a horror film. The windows had survived. I guess thats because they were shatterproof. The front doors were a bit dented. One wing was in complete ruin. One wing was half in ruin. But the main building looked pretty much intact. But because the electricity no longer worked, it looked creepy. Bob has to be okay. He just has to.

I head to the dented doors, checking around for movement. Before attempting to get through the front doors, I checked my jacket for the crappy little torch I kept there. Once I found it, I clicked it on and pushed my way in, quietly. Once inside, I checked around for a janitors room. I found one behind the reception. I picked the lock. Yes I know. Picking locks is bad. But I wanted to know how to do it when I was younger. Mainly because I wanted to read Mikey's diary. I was ten. Sue me. Anyway, it's a good job I did. I opened the door and checked round. I found a few powerful torches, a shit load of spare batteries and a bag to put them in. I kept one torch out to use, packing the others in the bag and putting it on my shoulder. Then I turned the torch on. After grabbing another bag, I headed back out into the halls. I found the medicine store and picked the lock. I loaded the other bag with all kinds of medical equipment. Even needles. I'm petrified of them. But the others needs come first. I'll have to come back for more medicine another day. I picked up the bag and headed out to find Bob. I checked icu first. It was abandoned, just like the rest of the building I'd passed through so far. Where could he be? I freeze as I hear talking. I turn off the torch and head towards the voices, hiding behind a abandoned gurney.

I see a man with a bald head wearing a dark suit and ruffled white shirt talking to about six guys in white suits and a white mask. Then a woman wearing a dark business suit walks in view. She has short dark hair.

"How many draculoids masks have you got with you?" She said to one of the guys in white.

"Three." He answered. "I used six on some doctors and random patients here. So they won't be any more trouble. Can I ask how they work?"

She laughs. "Seem as your here of your own free will." She said. "I guess I can tell you. Once the mask is on, it injects a liquid that changes how that person feels. The liquid has a mini chip in it. The chip transmits to base at, what we now call Battery City, to our scientists in Better Living Industries. The scientists program them to attack and kill who we want them to."

"What happens if the mask is removed?" The guy queries.

The woman laughs again. "They die."

Fuck. These people are seriously fucked up.

"So why are we following that machine?" He asks, gesturing to the bald guy.

She sighs. "Because he is a member of the scarecrow unit. That machine is called Korse. He is stronger and smarter than a human. So show him respect or he will be forced to dispose of you." She sighed. "BL Industries will make this world have order. And anyone that gets in our way will die."

Fucking hell. All this because some fucker wants order?

I sneak away, quietly, checking they haven't heard me. I retreat to a bethroom. Once inside, I lean against a wall and sigh. As I do, I hear a small sound from a stall. I grab the laser gun and lower the bags to the floor. Then I turn on the torch and aim it at the stall door, pointing the gun at it too.

"Come out." I say. "If you don't, I'll shoot through the door."

The lock clicks and the door opens, slowly.


Better Living Industries strike. But how are they controlling the zombies? Where's Bob?xxx

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