Chapter 36

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Party/Gerard's P.O.V

I woke up before Ghoul. He looked so peaceful. Almost....dead. I leaned closer to him, listening for any sort of sound that proved he was still alive. My heart beat faster as I held my breath. Then he let out a breath. I smiled as I got up, carefully. I sat at my desk as a idea formed. I sketched my idea as quickly as possible. Then I went to find Star. He was in the garage, alone.
"Where's my little brother?" I asked as I approached him.
He looked up from the trans am engine he was checking out. "Asleep. Where's Ghoul?" He asked.
"Asleep." I passed him the sketch. "I had a idea."
"Wanna explain it?" He said, looking down at my work in his hands.
"You've seen star trek, right?" He nodded. "Well I thought we could have a small communicator, in or on our ears. We say a name and it connects us to them. That way, when one of us is in trouble, we have a way of getting help. We should also arrange patrols to watch out for anyone in trouble and raids to pick up essentials."
Star grinned. "Welcome back, Party Poison."
I grinned back. Then we got our heads down to work on details.

Ghoul/Frank's P.O.V

I woke up to a empty bed. I got dressed and went on a search for my sexy boyfriend. I guessed he'd be in the garage, working. So I headed there. I stopped by the doorway to be nosy.
"That's not fair and you know it." Party snapped.
What's going on?
I heard a sigh. "I can't help the way I feel." That's Star.
"For fuck sake, Ray." Party snapped, again. "I don't want to hear this ever again. Your with Mikey. My fucking brother. Plus I have Frank. I won't fuck up my relationship with either of them just because your not sure if your over me. I fucking love Frank. There's no fucking way on earth I'm gonna do anything to hurt him. Ever. No way."
I smiled. He fucking loves me. I already know but it's great to hear how loyal he's being.
"All I asked was to have one kiss." Star insisted. "Just to see if I still have those feelings for you. It's no biggie."
Party snorted. "Maybe not to you." He growled. "As far as I'm concerned, it's cheating. And I will not cheat on Frank. And if you even think of cheating on my little brother, I'll rip your fucking nuts off and feed em to a scarecrow. Do I make myself clear?"
Star sighed, loud.
"I said 'do I make myself clear?'" Party persisted.
"Yes." Star finally answered. "Perfectly."
"I don't fucking need this shit, Ray." Party said, calming down a little. "I still have Frank's surprise to plan."
I smiled. He's planning a surprise for Me? I wonder what it is.
"When ya gonna do it?" Star asked.
"Dunno. I need to go on a raid first. So I can find what I need."
"Any ideas where to look?"
Party gave a dry laugh. "I've lived here my entire life." He stated. "I think I'd know where they used to stand. Hopefully I can find what I need though. I need to show him how much I love him. I don't think he believes me. He certainly doesn't trust me."
I froze up. He still thinks I don't trust him. That's my fucking fault. Damn it.
"I think he's slowly coming round though." Party sighed. "I just don't know why he didn't trust me to start with. Worst I ever did was kiss Cola. And that wasn't even me. He kissed me. I didn't kiss back." He sighed again. The sound tore at my heart strings. "I hope Frankie's surprise shows him he has nothing to worry about."
"It will." Star assured him. "I guarantee it."
"I really hope so." Party sighed. "I really love him, ya know. He's everything to me. He's just....perfect."
I smiled again.
"He's....amazing. He's everything I could ever want or need. I didn't ever imagine I'd be feeling like this so soon and at such a young age. But he's....god....he's fucking awesome. And he's amazing in...."
"Don't even go there." Star laughed. I grinned. "You really do love him. Don't ya?"
Party laughed. "I think we just established that." He mused.
I headed for the kitchen, quickly as I heard footsteps approaching the door. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water, then stared out the window as I drank. A few seconds later, I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. Then Party nudged his face into my neck. Kissing and nibbling on my sweet spot.
"Morning, gorgeous." He said into my neck.
I put the glass down by the sink and turned in his arms. I tangled my fingers into his hair and pulled him in for a kiss. The kiss was turning into a extremely passionate make out session. Till someone cleared their throats by the doorway. We turned towards the noise. Mikey was stood there with a disgusted look on his face and a hand over his eyes.
"It burns." He moaned.
I laughed.
"If you can't handle the heat." Party started. "Stay out of the kitchen." He turned back to me and kissed my forehead. " As much as I would love to carry this on and Fuck your brains out." He grinned as Mikey cursed and retreated back out of the room. "We have some dracs to dispose of."


Love as

Party PoisonWhere stories live. Discover now