Chapter 7

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Frank's P.O.V

I rushed to the door when there was a knock. I opened it to see not Gerard but my mum. She threw herself into my arms. I hugged back. My mum's okay. I'm so happy.

"Where's Gerard?" I asked when she pulled back.

"Such a lovely boy." She stated. "He said he needed to go find Ray's mum."

I sighed. "I hope he's back soon."

Mum smiled. "You really like him, don't you?"

I smiled. "You saw him."

"Yes I did. He was such a nice boy. Quite a cutey too."

Mum went into the kitchen to make sandwiches. Ray worked on the laser guns in the garage. After boarding up the windows, me and Mikey cleared the rubble in the lounge. It had been three hours since Mum had come back. Still no sign of Gerard. We sorted the rooms upstairs. We blocked the door to Mrs Way's floorless room. Then fixed the roof. Still no Gerard. It was getting dark. I was really worried. Where was he?

We were all resting in the kitchen when the front door opened and banged really loud. We all rushed out into the hallway to see Gerard sat infront of the door with his knees up and his head in his hands.

"Gerard?" Mikey said.

Gerard sighed shakily then looked at us. His face was mucky and stained with tears. He opened his mouth to speak. Then closed it again, staring into space.

Mikey walked over to crouch by his side. "Gerard?" He said as he put a hand on his right shoulder. "What happened, bruv?"

Gerard didn't move.

Ray crouched infront of him. "Gerard?" He said.

Suddenly Gerard focused on Ray. "It's everywhere." He whispered.

We all moved to sit on the floor around him.

"What is?" Ray asked.

"The destruction." He said. "I saw her, then she...I ran but they followed. I thought I lost them. But then I saw...the masks control them somehow. They named it Korse. It's fast. But I was faster. It didn't see my face. It knows people by their face. I lost them all." He wasn't making any sense. He grabbed Ray's shoulders. "I was too late. I couldn't find Bob. I'm sorry." He dropped his hands again.

"Gerard?" Ray said. "Who did you see? Who followed you? What did you see? Who are 'they'? Who's Korse? You need to pull yourself together. Your our leader. Our brother. You are Party Poison now. Help us understand, please."

Gerard closed his eye's briefly. "I saw your mum, Ray."

Ray smiled. "You found mum? When's she going to be here?"

Gerard shook his head as tears began to roll down his cheeks again. "She's a....a..."

Ray frowned. "A what, Gerard?"

Gerard took out his phone and showed us a video. It showed the back of a dark haired woman. She was crouching over a human body. It looked like she was...eating it? No. That's impossible. Then she stood up and turned around. She had a human hand in her hands. Viens and skin were stringing from the hand to her blood stained mouth. She lowered the hand as she spotted Gerard. She screeched. Suddenly about forty more people with blood dripping from their mouths appeared. They all ran after Gerard. The video stopped.

What did we just see?

Ray froze. "No." He whispered. "Mum's a...a...a zombie."


Woo hoo. Gerard found Ray's mum. But oh shit. She's a zombie?xxx

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