Chapter 37

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Party's/Gerard's P.O.V

After lunch, I went out on a raid. Or so I told Ghoul. Kobra insisted on going with me. We took the trans am. First place we headed was the hospital. We hid the car round back. But Kobra stayed in it just incase we were ambushed.
I slid in the same way as last time. I headed for the janitors room first. Once inside, I took my backpack off and took out two hold alls. I filled the hold alls with bottles of bleach, toilet paper, paper towels, batteries and other stuff we'd need. Then zipped them up and headed for the medicine closet. I filled up the backpack with all kinds of medical supplies.
The raid went without a hitch. I put the bags in the car boot, then got in behind the wheel.
We stayed quiet as we headed for a small town. Like at the hospital, Kobra stayed in the car while I took bags to fill. I put another three bags of food and drinks in the car boot, then went to talk to Kobra.
"Listen." I said as he leaned out the passenger window to look at me. "I have to look for something. I'll be ten minutes, tops."
Kobra frowned. "What else do we need?"
I smiled. "Not us. Frank."
He smiled. "What are you up to?"
I shrugged, then walked away.
It didn't take long to find what I needed. Then a bookstore caught my eye. I grinned as I rushed into it. Once inside, I picked up a book on werewolves, zombies, vampires, art and some random artist supplies. I bagged them all, then headed for the door. I was just about to leave when I heard crying behind the counter. Shit. I'm not alone. I put my backpack on and withdrew my laser gun, heading towards the sobs.
What I saw made me freeze.
Staring up at me was a little girl with a dark fro.She was wearing black jeans and a multi coloured, leather jacket. She looked scared.
I put my gun away and crouched down. I smiled. "Hey, sweetie." I said, gently. "My name's Party Poison. What's your name?"
She sniffled. "M...Missile K...Kid." She answered.
"Where's your parents, Kid?"
She hugged her knees tighter to her chest. "D...dead."
My smile faltered. "I'm sorry, sweetie." I sighed as I looked down. "Mine are dead too. My Dad died in a car crash and mum died of cancer the day the world turned to sh....ruin."
Suddenly she dived at me, knocking me on my butt as she hugged me.
"Don't cry." She said in my ear.
I was surprised, but I hugged back.
"Please take me with you." She pleaded as she pulled away, slightly, about five minutes later. "I'm scared. I've been in here alone since this all happened."
I stroked her hair. "Of course you can, honey." I assured her. "You should know that I'm not alone. There's five others. My brother's outside, in the car. His name is Kobra Kid. Back at base is Jet Star, Fun Ghoul, Desert Skeleton and Dark Horse. We are referred to as the Killjoy's."
Her mucky, tear stained face, lit up. "I've heard of the Killjoy's." She admitted. "The scarecrows are looking for you. Especially you."
I laughed. "Sounds about right." I stood up with her still wrapped around my neck and headed out to the car.
"Woah." She exclaimed when she saw the trans am. "It's awesome."
I smiled with pride. "Thanks."
Kobra smiled from his seat. "Yes, my brother is extremely talented."
Kid looked at me, shocked. "You made it?"
I laughed as I shook my head. "No. I decorated it though."
Her mouth dropped open. "Woah." She looked back at the car as I dropped my bag in the boot. "You are extremely talented."

Ghoul's/Frank's P.O.V

I looked up as the door leading to the garage opened.
"Could everyone meet in the kitchen, please." Kobra insisted. "Party needs to talk to us all."

Everyone sat around the table, waiting for Party to join us as Kobra walked in with a Shit ton of bags from the raid.
"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.
Kobra smiled and sat by Star, without answering.
A few minutes, Party strolled in with.....a little girl attached to his neck.
He smiled at us all as we all stared at him.
"I'd like you all to meet Missile Kid." He said. "She's a orphan who needs us. I hope your all going to make her feel welcome."
Star stood up. "I'm Jet Star." He greeted her. "Welcome to our home, fellow fro."
The girl giggled as she shook his hand. Skeleton stood up. "Hi, Kid. My name's Desert Skeleton."
She smiled at him as they shook hands.
Mum stood up. "Welcome, sweetheart." She said as she ruffled the kid's fro. "I'm Dark Horse. I'm Ghoul's mum."
Kid looked at me.
I smiled as I stood up. "I should be jealous seeing a hot chick wrapped around my boyfriend." I grinned.
Kid giggled, then looked at Party. "He's cute." She said, quietly.
Party grinned back at her. "That's one of the many reasons why I am going to ask him to marry me."


Enter Missile Kid.
Let me know how you think this story is going. Criticism and ideas are always welcome.
Love as always. xxx

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