Chapter 3

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Frank's P.O.V

​I watch Gerard as he lays on the ground below the oak tree. He uses his backpack as a pillow. His legs cross at the ankles and his fingers laced on his stomach. He closes his eyes. Mikey, Ray and Bob sit close by. Looking over at him every few minutes. I decide to sit close to them so I can eavesdrop again.

​"Is he eating, Mikey." Ray asks, looking at Gerard with genuine concern.

​Mikey sighs. "Not much. I'm worried about him. He's always been more than a brother to me. He's raised me. He's my brother, my dad and my best friend all in one. Now he looks after the house and mum. He hardly has time for anything. But he still finds time for me. He doesn't have any alone time. My stupid nightmares don't help."

​Ray sighed. "You saw your dad die in a car accident." He explained. "Thats enough to give anyone nightmares."

​"So why doesn't Gerard have them?" Mikey asked. "He was closer to the crash than i was. He tried to get dad out."

​Ray looked back at Gerard. "Because he's unique." He said. "He's coping by being everything to everyone.."

​A tall jock with black hair walked over to Mikey. They blocked his view of Gerard. "Hey, nerd." The jock said as he grabbed Mikey by his neck. "Give me all the money you guys have on you or I snap this scrawny geek in half."

​Ray and Bob froze.

​"Take your fucking hands off my brother or I'll snap em off."

​Everyone turned to see Gerard stood behind the jocks. I never even saw him move.

​The other two jocks grabbed Ray and Bob. "Can't save em all." The head jock snarled.

​Gerard grinned. "Don't need to." He looked at each of his friends and his brother. "They don't need saving any more." He folded his arms. "Killjoys."

​The jocks frowned at him. "What the fuck does that mean?"​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​Mikey spun out of the jocks grasp and knocked his legs out from under him. He stood by Gerard. "Kobra kid."

​Ray threw the jock holding him over his shoulder. Then he stood next to Mikey. "Jet Star."

​Bob elbowed his jock in the stomach then punched him in the face. He stood by Gerard. "Desert Skeleton."

​The head jock looked up at Gerard. "What the fuck?"

​Gerard uncrossed his arms and crouched infront of the jock. "Remember the names. Kobra Kid, Jet Star, Desert Skeleton and Party Poison." He warned him. "We're the Killjoys and no fucker messes with anyone who can't fight back. Spread the word and the names. The Killjoys WILL stop the bullying around this town." He sneers and the jocks run.

​"Thanks for teaching us to fight." Ray tells Gerard as he stands up.

​Is there nothing this amazing guy can do? I'm going to approach him. I walk over to him and smile as he looks at me. "Do you teach anyone or just your friends?"

​Gerard smiles. "Why? Do you want to learn?"

​"Yes, please." I said. 

​Gerard looked at the others. Mikey smiled. "We could do with a new face in the Killjoys."

​Bob and Ray agreed.

​Gerard looked back at me. "What's your name?"

​"Frank Iero."

​"Okay, Frank." He studies me then frowns. "Are you up for a laugh?"

​I frown. That's a weird question. "Obviously."

​He smiles again. "Fun Ghoul it is. Do you have anything to do tonight?"

​Fun Ghoul? What's he talking about? ""

​"Right then. Your coming home with us." He picks up his backpack and swings it over his shoulder. "Meet here after school. Later, Fun Ghoul."

​I stare in shock as all four of them walk away. What just happened?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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