Chapter 13

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Frank's P.O.V

​Everything went quiet. So I ran out of the room with everybody following. The hallway was clear. I listened for noise. But there was nothing. Then I noticed Gerard's door was open. So I headed down. I froze halfway down the stairs. Gerard was knelt on the floor with his dead mum, with a hole in her forehead, on the floor infront of him. There was blood everywhere. ​​​​Fuck. His mum must have turned. But she'd been dead a while.

​Mikey's P.O.V

​I looked down in horror. Gerard was just staring. First he had to look after mum, then watch her die, then shoot her when she turned. That isn't fair. He shouldn't have to go through all that. I ran down the stairs and pulled him into my arm's. He didn't cry. He just kept staring. Ray grabbed a blanket from the closet and threw it over mum. Still no reaction from Gerard. I look up at Ray.

​"Could you and Bob take...m...mum out and bury her, please?" I ask. "Gerard might snap out of it then."

​Ray reaches down to pick up mum and Gerard pushes him away.

​"No." He snaps as he pushes me away. He picks mum up alone and head's for the stairs. Everyone moves to let him pass.

​I watch from the kitchen window as Gerard digs a hole in the back garden. Avoid of all emotions. He puts the spade down and picks up mum. He lowers her into the hole then picks up the spade again. Then he shovels up dirt and covers mum. All the time, Frank stays close by him.

​Ray walks over to me and hugs me. Trying to comfort me I assume. But I'm not so upset about mum as I am upset about Gerard. He's not coping. I don't think he is anyway. But he'll do what he always does. He'll bottle it up until one day he explodes. But as usual, when he does explode, no one will see it. He disappears. He'll come in and act like nothings happened.

​"Bob and Linda are cleaning up the blood." Ray informs me.

​I just nod.

​Frank's P.O.V

​I kept by Gerard's side. I'm not leaving him. I can't. He might need me. He drops the spade and just stares at the ground. I walk over to him and pull him into a hug. He doesn't resist. Instead he hugs back.

​"Frank." He said quietly.

​I look at him in surprise. He hasn't spoken since he snapped at Ray. And that was only one small word.

​"Yes, baby?" I say back.

​"Will you sleep with me?" He asks. "Just sleep? I don't want to be alone."

​I could see tears in his eyes. But he was refusing to shed them.

​"Of course I will, sweetie." I said. Then I led him into the house. I take him upstairs to my room at the end of the hallway.

​He takes off his jacket, boots, t-shirt and jeans​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​. He's just in his boxers. He climbs in the bed, staring at the ceiling. I strip to just my boxers and climb under the covers next to him. I turn on my side to face him and just watch his face.

​"I won't do it in front of Mikey." He says after about ten minutes of silence.

​"Do what, baby?" I ask, confused.

​"Cry." He sighs. "I'm all he has now. I have to be strong for him. Doesn't matter what happens to me. As long as Mikey is safe." He looks at me. "As long as your safe." He turns back to look at the ceiling. "Mikey thinks I bottle things up. I don't. I just...let it out behind closed doors." He pauses again. Then tears start to fall. "I miss mum."

​"I know, baby." I say as I pull him into my arms. He wraps his arms around my waist as he cries into my shoulder. After a while he drifts off to sleep. I stroke his hair for a while then drift off myself.

​Mikey's P.O.V

​I hug Ray back. I love being in his arms. I love being near him. I love his laughter. I love his hair. I love Ray. I always have. But I know he loves Gerard. I heard him tell him. Gerard let him down, gently of course. He never told anyone either. I was glad he didn't love Ray back. I never hated Gerard for it. He couldn't help that Ray fell in love with him. Just like he couldn't help not loving Ray. I wish Ray loved me.

​I take a chance. I lean in and kiss Ray.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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