Chapter 23

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Frank/Ghoul's P.O.V

​I watched the manhole cover impatiently. Where is Party? It's been ages. He should be back by now. I look at Star. He's staring at the manhole too. He's just as worried as I am. I look back at the manhole cover. Come on, baby. Where are you?

Gerard/Party's P.O.V

​I jump down off the balcony after the other's. Cobra behind the others. I hear a noise behind me. I turn round and a shot hits me in the top of my left arm. I shoot the drac and run after Cobra towards the escape route. 

​Frank/Ghoul's P.O.V

​The manhole cover opened and Pony descended the ladders. Then a guy with mousy brown hair followed him. Then Cobra. A few minutes later, Party climbed down, one handed.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ The guy hugged him when he got down. Party yelped then backed up.

​"I got hit." He explained. "A drac caught me in my shoulder. I ghosted it."

​I rushed forward but Star bet me.​​​​ He checked Party's shoulder.

​"We need this bandaged asap." Star stated.

​"Then let's get back to D's place." Party said as he walked towards me. He pulled me into a one arm hug. "You okay?"

​I smiled up at him. "I am now your back."

​He kissed my nose then pulled away. "Let's go." He said, grabbing my hand and heading towards the exit.

Ti​me Lapse>>>>>>>>>>

​Star bandaged up Party's shoulder.  Then Party went outside with the new guy. Apparently his name is Cherri Cola. Party's known him for years. So they went outside to catch up. I'm not sure about him though. So after a few minutes I head out, discreetly. Making sure no one saw me.

​Gerard/Party's P.O.V

​I sat on the picnic table talking to Cola. Remembering the old times.

​"You were such a pansy." I laughed. "I remember having to save you from Francis Dawson quite a few times."

​Cola grimaced. "She was twice my size."

​"She was a skinny girl only a inch taller than you." I mused.

​"​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​She was viscous."

​I laughed louder. "She was a softy."

​Cola moved to stand infront of me. "She scared me."

​"Butterflies scared you." I pointed out.

​"I was attacked by one."

​I laughed louder until he grabbed my hips and smashed his lips down on mine. I was shocked at first. Then I came to my senses and pushed him away.

​"What the fuck..?" I snapped,  frowning, as I stood up and moved away.

​He sighed. "I'm sorry." He said. "It's just....I've always loved you."

​I sighed as I run my fingers through my hair. "Not another one." I muttered. "What is it about me? I'm not that great." I looked back at him as I lowered my hands. "I love Fun Ghoul. Have done since I first saw him. I've never felt this way about anyone before. I've no intention of breaking up with him. Ever. He's everything to me. I don't know if I could cope without him anymore. "

​Cola smiled. "I'm sorry." He said, quietly. "I'm glad your happy. Ghoul's a lucky guy." He sighed then headed to the side of the diner. "I'm going to take a leak."

​I stared at the ground. What just happened? What the fuck do people see in me? What's the attraction? I really don't get it. I sighed as I grabbed my jacket I'd discarded earlier and pulled it on, heading inside.

​Frank/Ghoul's P.O.V

​I freeze as I see Cola and Party kissing. Oh god no. I rush back inside. No one notices me. A few minutes later, Party walks in, fastening his coat. Cola follows, adjusting his belt. I'm fuming. He's cheated on me. 

​"Time to go." Party tells us.

​I follow the others out into the car. I totally ignore Party. I'm not happy with him right now.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​Gerard/Party's P.O.V

​When we get home, Ghoul goes straight up to his room. I excuse myself then follow him. As I get in the room, I shut the door then grab him around the waist. He pushes me away then spins round to look at me.

​"Get the fuck away from me." He snaps.

​I frown. "What have I done?" I ask.

​"I saw, Gerard." He mutters. "You and....Cola...kissing."

​I sigh. "Oh that." I start but he interrupts me.

​"Is that it?" He ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​snaps. "You kiss someone else then fuck him and all you have to say is 'oh that'?"

​I frown. "What..?" I mutter. "I what?"

​"Don't fucking deny it. I saw you both straightening up when you walked back in." He stated. "Your a cheating fucker and we're done."

​I snapped. "Fuck you, Frank." I snapped back. "I pushed him away. I never fucked him. I told him how much I love YOU. Shows how fucking stupid I am. Thinking that anybody could actually love me back. Who the fuck was I kidding? I should thank you for making me realise what I always believed. I'm not worth loving. I'm not worth anything. Well fuck you all. The only people that cared about me are dead." I couldn't stop. "I wish I was too." I turned and rushed out the door.

​Frank/Ghoul's P.O.V

​I stared at the​​​​​​​​​​​​​ open door. What have I done? I've broken him. I have to find him and fix this. I headed downstairs. I saw Star in the kitchen, staring out the window. I followed his gaze to see Party knelt by his mum's grave. His face completely void of emotion. Cobra sat beside him, trying to shake a reply out of him. But Party just stared at the ground. No reaction whatsoever. 

​"He's finally snapped." Star muttered. "I wonder what did it."

​"I did." I admitted.

​Star turned to look at me. "How?"

​I sighed. "I accused him of cheating with Cola cos I saw em kissing. "

​Star looked angry. "How the fuck could you say that to him." He snapped. "All he's ever done is looked out for everyone else. Never thinking about himself. He's always had a very low self esteem. He never believed he was good enough for anyone's love. And you accuse him of cheating. He fucking loves you. He let himself fall in love. He let you in. He let himself finally believe he was worth something. And you've ruined that. I hope your happy. It's going to take forever to fix him now." He stormed out to tell Cobra.

​Cobra looked really mad​​​​​​​​​​​​. But he stayed by his brother as he glared at me.

​Great. How do I fix this?​​

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