Chapter 42

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Frank's/ Ghoul's P.O.V

Once the tears started, I couldn't stop them. Balling like a pathetic child. My back to the bed and my hands over my ears.
"Baby....." Party started. But he cut himself off with a bang and a painful scream.
I spun around to see him on the floor, by the bed, with his hands over his wound. His eyes were closed and his face contorted in pain.
I headed towards him but Kobra pushed me away, angrily, as Star rushed to help Party.
Kobra held me against the wall, frowning into my face. "All Gerard's done since he met you was protect you." He snapped. Skeleton tried to pull him off me but failed. "And you just get fucking jealous and whiny. He's been through enough. So either quit your constant fucking whining or leave him the fuck alone. Because if you hurt him one more time, you better hope blind find you before I do." He pushed me away, then rushed to help Star.
I watched as they got Party onto the bed. Then they backed up to let Mum check his wound. She moved his hand. There was a large amount of blood.
I sobbed loudly as she lifted his top and revealed the now re-opened wound.
Party turned his pain filled eyes to me. "Frankie...." He ground out, putting a bloody hand out to me.
I rushed towards him with a sob. I didn't care about getting blood on me. I laid down beside him and held his hand while I looked into his eyes.
"I'm sorry." I sobbed.
He closed his eyes, briefly. "D...doesn't matter," He managed. "D...don't w...want l...leave B...but m....may n....not h...have ch....choice. B...blind....."
I stroked his cheek. "It's okay." I assured him. "I understand. I just....I just don't w...want to l...lose You."
"The stitches have come out." Mum stated. "I'm going to have to re-stitch it."
Party groaned. "A...awesome." He gritted out through clenched teeth.
I kept hold of his hand and a hand on his cheek as I laid beside him, staring into his eyes.
"I'm not leaving your side, baby." I promised him. "How did you end up on the floor anyway?"
He tried to grin, but it looked more like a painful grimace. "W...wanted to....fuck...."
"Sorry." Mum laughed. "Forgot to mention I was starting."
"C...heers." Party groaned.
"Shouldn't have tried to get up then."
"I w...was t...trying to...." He groaned in pain. "G....get to f....fiànce."
"Why?" I asked, frowning. "I was being a pathetic cry baby."
"I c...could have b...been.....shit......a l...little m.....fuck...more con.....damn it.....consider.......fuck....."
"Considerate." Star finished.
"What h...he said." Party groaned out. "Thanks S....Star."
The grip he had on my hand intensified.
"Find him some pain relief." I snapped, the tears starting again as I realized how much pain he was really in.
Star rushed out of the room. Kobra sat by Party's other side, by Mum, holding his other hand. "Squeeze my hand if you need to, bruv." He told him. His voice was thick with concern. I didn't miss the tears in his eyes.
Just as Star returned, Party went still.
I looked at Kobra, pleading. He leaned forward and checked Party's pulse. A few seconds later he sighed with relief.
"I guess the pain was too much." He smiled, sadly. "Party's body finally decided to give him a break. He's passed out."
Star shrugged. "Nah." He grinned, leaning against the door frame with a filled needle in his hand. "Party's just faking it so he doesn't have to have another needle."
Mum laughed. "That wouldn't actually surprise me."
I leaned over and kissed Party's slightly open mouth. Then I looked at Kobra. "Your right." I pointed out as I laid down and put my head on Party's shoulder. "I've been a major pain in the ass to Party. He definitely doesn't deserve it. I'm going to do my best to change." I bit my bottom lip. "It's's just...."
Kobra sighed. "It's just that you feel he's too good for you."
I nodded agreement.
"Who here doesn't think he's too good for them." He asked.
"I've always thought he was way too good to be my friend." Star pointed out.
Skeleton frowned. "I've always thought that he deserves better than me." He mumbled.
"He's my brother." Kobra added. "But I still believe he's too good to be my flesh and blood. Gerard has always been so much to so many people. He's always been loved by so many people. But he chose his friends and he chose you. My brother is many things. Loving, caring, friendly, a leader, a brother-slash Dad- slash best friend, a son, a boyfriend, a lunatic..." He grinned when he said the last one. "A certifiable lunatic, to be exact. But he's not stupid. He chose the friends he did because he knew they were great friends. He chose you for a reason, Ghoul. Maybe you already know that reason. Maybe you'll never know. But there has to be a reason. Otherwise you wouldn't have a chance in hell with him."
I looked at Party as he began to stir.
"Perfect timing." Mum said as she covered his wound with a clean bandage. "All done."
Party sighed. "T...thanks, H....Horse." He whispered, closing his eyes again. "N...not to be r...rude. B...but can I h...have some a...alone time w...with Fr.....Frankie, please?"
I sat up and started to shake as everyone left, closing the door behind them. This is it. He's going to dump my pathetic ass. Tears started to fall again.
"Why are you crying, honey?" Party asked, slowly.
I wiped my face and stared down at my hands in my lap. Party's blood still on them. "You've had enough." I pointed out. "I'm a whiny, jealous idiot and your dumping me."
"Grab my hand, baby." He said. "I'd grab yours but I daren't move. And I really want to hold you."
I looked down into his gorgeous hazel eyes to see pain and need. So I laid down beside him, facing him and grabbing his hand.
He smiled, sadly. "I'm not dumping you, baby." He pointed out. "I love you. I don't ever want to live without you. You just need to understand that blind want me really bad. They will do anything to see me dead. I will do everything I can to make sure that doesn't happen. But I might not be able to. I won't let anyone die for me. I have a plan. But I can't tell you because you will try to stop me and probably die in the process. I have to do it my way. If it works, I'll be coming home to you and blind will be wiped out for good. Please trust me, baby. I can't do this if anything happens to you."
I looked into his sad, pleading eyes. "Okay, baby." I smiled. "I trust you."
Party sighed as he rubbed his thumb across the back of my hand. "I'm going to ask D if he can come here tomorrow and marry us." He smiled. "Don't think I want to wait anymore."
My smile widened as I leaned over to kiss him. "Me either." I said against his lips.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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