Chapter 16

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Frank's P.O.V

​We all got back in the car. Same seats as before. I looked over at Party. He was frowning at the map.

​"Okay." He muttered to himself. "So if I go that way...then that way...past there..." He paused for a few minutes. Then he put the map in the glove compartment. He started the engine. "So." He said as he pulled away from the diner. "Jet and Cobra you need to watch each other's back. Me and Ghoul will watch out for each other. We need to get in and out asap. When we have the motor babies, Cobra call for Pony. When I say so, slip your masks on. We can't have our faces seen."

​I smiled at his words. 'Me and Ghoul will watch out for each other'. I liked that. I totally get why he was chosen to be the leader. He was smart.

​After about half ​​​​​​​​​​way, Gerard stopped the car and got out. He went to the trunk and took something out of it. He shut the trunk and passed Star his helmet then passed Cobra his. Then he passed me my mask.

​"Time to put em on." He said as he slid his mask into place. Then he started the car again and sped off as we followed orders. He stopped about ten minutes later. A large prison stood looming infront of us.

​"Killjoys." Party said. "Let's make some noise." He got out the car and headed towards the building, withdrawing his gun as he walked. We rushed to follow him as he raised his gun and shot the first drac in the chest. Another drac aimed at him and he rolled across the ground, sprung up onto one knee and shot back. The drac flew back, his body knocking the crappy metal fence behind him to the ground. Party stood up and looked towards us then turned and headed tò the building. He opened the door cautiously. Stepping inside, we were shot at by more dracs. There was eight here. So I guess D's sources were wrong.

​A drac shot at Party. Star shot him in the head as Party dodged the bullet..sorry....laser beam. Party and Cobra leaped across two tables that were stood side by side. Their feet caught two dracs in the chest, knocking them back. Then they stood side by side to shoot them in the head. Party and Cobra stood back to back, shooting every drac in sight. Is it just me or has more dracs appeared? Star shot one as it advanced on Cobra. Suddenly Party turned and shot towards me. My eye's widened for a split second till I heard a bang behind me. I looked round to see a drac on the ground. I looked back at Party. He gave me a lopsided smile then turned to shoot another drac. I turned my back to Star as I heard a door open. More fucking dracs. I raised my gun and opened fire.

​Gerard's P.O.V

​D's source got it wrong. If Ghoul, Cobra or Star get hurt, I'll find his source and waste him. I glanced at each of them. Cobra was doing fucking brilliantly. Star was awesome as always and Ghoul was doing great for someone with no training. I'm so proud of him. I had a idea.

​"You guy's hold this area up." I shouted as the dracs thinned out. We'd ghosted about thirtyish already. Including the two out side. "I'm going to search for the motor babies." Ghoul looked over at me. I'm guessing he didn't like that idea. But I couldn't see properly in here from this distance and bad lighting. I headed for the nearest door.

​It took about fifteen minutes to find them. I'd only ghosted six dracs on the way. Another one I knocked out by the bars the motor babies were behind. I took his key and opened the cell. I counted exactly twenty mb's(motor babies).

​"Listen up guy's." I said. They all stared at me. A mixture of shock and fear on their faces. "My name is Party Poison. I am a member of the Killjoys. We are here to take you to safety. My friends are currently clearing a path to safety for you. A van is waiting to pick you up. The occupants will explain everything to you. But know that these guys." I gestured to the drac unconscious at my feet. "Are part of a company called Blind. They are dracs. They are what they wanted to turn you into. If you don't join them, they force you. The Killjoys want to keep you free. You don't have to get in the van. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. But without us, you WILL end up as a draculoid. A drac. We'll get you to the van, then you can decide. Safety in numbers." I dragged the drac inside as the mb's waited outside the cell. He began to wake. I pulled out a picture I drew of the Killjoys, complete with masks and helmets. Underneath I'd wrote;



​I stuffed it down the front of his blazer and joined the mb's, locking the cell behind me. I left the key on the ground, just out of the dracs reach. Then I led everyone to the other Killjoys.

​When we reached the others, I counted at least fifty ghosted dracs. Nice one guys.

​Cobra called Pony on the radio. Ten minutes later, the van was there. Pony stayed in the drivers seat whilst four people emerged from the back. A guy with long blond hair in a ponytail. Sand Storm. A guy with short red hair. Red Horizon. A girl with long black hair. Chemical Revenge. And a girl with short blue hair. Blast Baby. They all rushed towards me. Each dragged me into a hug.

​"Okay everyone." I saìd when they pulled away. "This is the Killjoys," I pointed to each in turn as I said their name. "Jet Star, Cobra Kid, Fun Ghoul and I'm Party Poison. These guy's are the Motor Babies, good guy's, this is Sand Storm, Blast Baby, Chemical Revenge, Red Horizon and Show Pony is driving. If you stay on the side of freedom, you will be able to choose a different name. Pony will explain why. You will be refered to as a Motor Baby. Basically one of us. You will be protected as best as we can. You will never be forced to do anything unless it's to protect you or another mb. You now have to make a choice. Let us take you to safety or go your own way. But hurry. More blind agent's will be here soon. So what's it gonna be?" We all stepped back to leave them to decide. Storm stole a blind van from next to the prison to transport some of the mb's. I was pleased to see that everyone chose to take our help.

​We got in the trans am and set off to D. Pleased with the outcome. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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