Van Gogh

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TRIGGER WARNING: Gore, violence, self-harm, obsession

And I would fight the world for you

You're all I've got to lose

And I would carve my ear off with a rusty spoon

If it would make you happy

And I would chew off my own hand

At your immediate command

To make you understand

I'd do anything

To see you smile

I will shed as much blood

As i need to prove my love

And I will cut

As deep as you want

Just to prove my love

I would swim through lava lakes

Run on hot coals across the states

I wouldn't hesitate

I would set myself on fire

Burn forever on the pyre

I wouldn't be afraid

I would fight the world for you

You're the one thing I can't lose

The one thing I can't let them take

And I know I'm overbearing

I'm intensely over-caring

And I'm far past insane

And obsessive and love-crazed

And some kinda sociopath

And it's okay

That you don't love me back

Cause you're not wrong about any of those things

But I would paint your portrait in my blood

If that is what you please

I would cut off my ear

I just want you to hear

When I say I can't be happy

Without you

And that you mean everything to me

And I would kill so many men

Just to see you smile again

You've got me

My complete


Please, please, please

You're really all I need

A/N: I promise, I'm working on fluff. In fact there is a very high chance that a fluffy smut will come out very soon, but that's just not how it went today soooo, have fun interpertating this mess

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