Colored Pencils

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As usual, Annie is sitting in the corner on her bunk instead of socializing with the other girls, and is scribbling something in her notebook. I smile, wondering what scene she's drawing today. She then lets out a frustrated sigh before tearing a page out of her notebook and tossing it to the floor. As it drifts down, I catch a sight of the picture. It's drawn from streaky greys, and has sections marked off with labels like 'yellow gradient' or 'pastel pink.' I wonder what happened to her colored pencils. I know she loves coloring her art. She said it "brings the piece to life" and she hates leaving drawings unfinished because she always forgets what to do with them. So the next day I go buy a pack. Maybe after this she'll ask me out.

I go up to her as she draws that night. "I think you might want these" I say passing he the colored pencils. They're not great and I'm sure she's used to much better pencils, but the gift isn't the important part. It's the gesture that matters; I'm being nice to her. I understand her. I care about her. If she takes this to the extreme, she might think I love her. (And honestly she wouldn't be wrong) And she knows the gift itself isn't the point because instead of just thanking me and continuing what she's doing, she does something much different. Something much stranger. She smiles.

It's almost creepy. The way her seemingly permanently emotionless face morphs so abruptly. She looks up at me.

"Thank you" she says, but not her usual thank you. Her usual thanks is just like her, bland and emotionless. Sure maybe her appreciation is genuine, but she still doesn't really care. She cares this time. She stares at me and I swear, time stops right then and there.

It's hard to imagine Annie having the other side of her face. Like obviously she does have it, but it's difficult to visualize. It's the kind of thing you never notice but once you do you just can't forget. Now she brushes the thick tendrils of hair that fall over her face behind her ear. And I can see the other side of her face. Woah.

She looks up at me and her face has changed strangely. She still looks like herself, just a gentler version. Her usually narrowed eyes are open wide, revealing a beautiful sea blue. Her cheeks are stained a light rosy color, one that looks adorable on her. But what's most notable is her mouth. The same lips that are usually sealed shut with secrets have fallen slightly open, then curl up subtly. It's a whole new side of Annie, and one that pulls together so many mysteries. Mysteries about all the weird things I've heard her say, and seen her do, and watched her draw. Now it makes sense. Her average 'personality' is just a mask. A facade. Really she's bright and happy. She's not a monster, she's just a girl. And what's more, in this moment, she's the girl I want to be my wife some day. And now I'm imagining her actually happy, sporting a dress and a smile, standing in a field of violets and dandelions.

"You're welcome" I say. She smiles before letting her hair all back into her face and walking away with her head down. Well that's a start.

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