Gummy Bears and Lipstick

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When I was little, people would tease me and say I liked Bertholdt. And my excuse was always, "I have a girlfriend." Her name was Violet, I told people. And that my favorite color was purple because it reminded me of her. And when I didn't want to do something, I said: "Sorry, I have plans with Violet." And when I picked up a pack of sour gummy bears after school on Mondays because I had to study at the library and needed a snack, I told people it was because they were Violet's favorite. I told people she was quiet, with short, black hair, with grey eyes, and she could sing like an angel. The perfect partner. But eventually people stopped believing me, because we had been dating for so long and no one had ever seen her. So, I made up "Dandelion."

I told people that I loved yellow, because it reminded me of Dandelion. And when I wore a different hoodie because mine got dirty and was being washed, I told people it was Dandelion's. And when I put on lipstick on the ferry home from school every Thursday because I had to attend a meeting about my titan ability, I told people It was because I was going to see Dandelion. I told people that she was sweet and happy, and she reminded me of sunlight the way the sun's golden rays always shone on her face and gave her adorable freckles, and she was so smart that she seemed to be able to guess what I was thinking. The perfect partner.

But eventually people stopped believing me, because we had been dating for so long and no one had ever seen her. But it was okay, because around then I met someone better. Someone real. The perfect partner. I don't need Violet or Dandelion anymore. Not at all.

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