Talkin 'Bout Stuff

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Talkin bout some random stuff cause why not.

1. Comment your favorite chapter in this book (other than Content Navigation) and I will make a playlist based off it for you. If you associate any of the chapters with songs, albums, or artists then comment them or reply to someone else comment!
(You can say you like more than one)

2. Upcoming Projects:
I've been working very hard on a short Mikannie series with both plot and smut. (I'm going out of my comfort zone with this one but so far I'm really liking it)

I want to do twitch streams. Maybe about writing stories, maybe songs, maybe anything else. I don't know, tell me if you'd be interested in that.

I have little to no plans for Old Ways sadly. Cause yknow me and plot. And I just don't like the Truth or Dare series.

I want to rework most of my one-shots. Actually just basically everything in general.


I know I said that I wouldn't but I've been thinking bout this a lot recently.

So imagine, Historia is nineteen; she's forced into pregnancy and childbirth, she's only just learned about her insane family history, she's responsible for removing the institutionalized corruption in a mysterious government, and the fate of the entire world is dependent on her.

She's scared, she's confused and she's lonely. Because most people are using her, and the person she trusted and loved the most chose death over her with NO EXPLANATION.

There are so, so many tragic endings to her story, and it could make a really interesting story about the pressure put on public figures and young women.

4. Talking to me

I like y'all. I get really excited when I get notifications. Whether you vote or comment or add my book to your reading list, it all makes me really happy.

I see almost every comment. I miss about 1/125 comments. And if I do, every few months I check every single chapter for new comments just in case I missed anything. And if you talk about me on other social media, I might see it.

I LOVE when you ask me questions, put in requests, give me praise, interact with each other, all that jazz. And criticism is absolutely accepted!

Whether it be about me or my writing or anything else, I like you all. And I like talking to all of you

Mikannie one-shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora