Keep Me Warm Tonight

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Smut Warning!

Throughout the day, even through Annie had pushed her to the back of her mind and not thought about her for weeks, Mikasa was the only thing Annie could think of. She plagued Annie's thoughts, her face never giving her a break. And by the end of the day, the thoughts had become dirty.

She thought about the first time she and Mikasa has ever hooked up. She thought about the sex sure, and how amazing it was, but what lingered in her thoughts was what happened afterwards. Annie had felt particularly lonely recently, and somehow gotten the courage to beg Mikasa to stay.

"P-please Mikasa, don't leave." She said between sniffs "stay and keep me warm"

As soon as she got to her room, she busted through the door and stumbled against a wall. Annie lent backwards, her palm flat against the wall for support. Her other hand crept up her shirt, under her bra, and began to move across her breasts, soon pausing at her nipple. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth, emitting soft moans. She collapsed further against the wall is she could move her second hand down. It snuck beneath her pants and underwear, gently tracing her clit. A rush of incredible arousment  struck her, her senses heightened. She began panting, imagining it was Mikasa providing her with this pleasure. She imagined it was Mikasa's delicate fingers along her crotch. She imagined hot breath across her chest, lipstick stains on her neck, bite marks on her shoulder, the pressure of Mikasa's body atop her own, the smell of sweat and charcoal lingering on her bedsheets.

She brought two fingers up to her lips, gently sucking on the digits. She then inserted the soaked fingers into herself, aiding her already powerful arousal. She moved her fingers around for a while before finding her g-spot. She slammed the hand pleasuring her breasts against her mouth to muffle the shrill shriek of pleasure that nearly escaped her lips as she released on her fingers. She fell to her knees panting in exhaustion and covered in sweat.

She finished her memory. Mikasa has brushed a strand of hair out of Annie's face, and gently kissed her forehead before she spoke. She had said: "Don't worry. I'll always be here to feed wood to your flame. Because I love your warmth" she had paused, blushing, and spoke only when she had turned away. "and I love you"

'Well, maybe not always' Annie thought. She didn't have that kind of love anymore, probably never would, but for now she was satisfied.

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