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I remember the first draft of Violets and Dandelions.
I remember the thrill of 6 reads, and then 40, and then 100, and the day 999 turned to 1K. I remember 2,000 and being told "You deserve it."

Little fifth grade me was never expecting so much. I have given so little and have been given so much. I started this so young, and even though it wasn't that long ago, I live in a new place now, I write new things, and I'm a new person.

Thank you all so much!

On a less serious note, I am thrilled to now have the hilarious albeit mortifying brag of: "A lesbian Attack on Titan Wattpad fanfic I wrote in fifth grade now has 100,000 reads 🤪"

Sorry this has been dormant. I've been putting more time into different projects. School has gotten more overwhelming, I've been struggling with moving, I have jobs to do, and overall things have been a bit hectic. I'm still trying to figure out what kind of balance works for me. But this fanfiction and the other published fanfics are not finished until stated. I still read all your comments, even if I don't respond to all of them anymore. I still remember you all.

The things I write will change. They'll be longer, more humor based, more slice-of-lifey, generally better.

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