Chapter 26

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"Daddy and I used to come here often.", Ione had a sad smile. She walked into the room and took the sheet off the furniture. A king sized bed, an old sofa and dresser was revealed. She threw open the French doors beside the bed and walked out into the balcony. I followed her out and saw it had a jacuzzi setup. 

"Wow", was the only escaped looking at the scenery. The balcony overlooked the beach and beyond that was endless sea. The warm sea breeze caressed my face while absorbing the view.

"Are we the only people on this island?", I asked dazed.

"No, the locals stay on the other side and they'll provide us with grocery we require."

"That's great.", she walked back in and started dusting the furniture. We covered the bed with a bed sheet and dusted the wardrobe to place our clothes.

"Wait for me downstairs.", she pushed me towards the door after we were done.

"Yes Mistress.", I shook my head as I walked down. I took out my phone to check but it didn't have network in such a remote place. I settled on the sofa and closed my eyes to rest after a long journey. This was going to be the first time, I'll be watching Ione so unwind. I could sense her relax right after she removed the transmitters from our car. I heard her walk down the stairs. She was wearing a sports bra and shorts. 

"What are you upto?", I asked her confused.

"I'm going out for a run and then practice.", she then put on her Airpods and started jogging. 

I followed her outside and she picked up her speed as we reached the beach. She went ahead stopped at a huge boulder. I caught up with her panting.

"You could have used the bicycle on the road.", she suggested settling on the boulder.

"No-o, I'm go-od."

We worked out on the beach for an hour and came back home.

"Kit, do you remember our shooting sessions?"

"Yes... those were the good days.", it was the first time she mentioned something from the past which I knew.

"Do remember how to hold the bow and arrow?"

"I'll need some practice."

"That's great and yes those were the good days indeed.", she said the last part almost in a whisper.

She picked two bows from the shed beside our house which I missed while admiring the house and a quill of arrows with target papers. She opened a few drawers to inspect the guns. I kept watching the way her finger trailed over the trigger and testing the grip before picking out two guns.

"What are you planning to do with them?", the doubt in my voice was inevitable.

"We are training."

"Do you do this often?"


She threw a gun at me and tucked other one in her waist band. 

"Its loaded, be careful."

We walked into the forest which was on the other side of the house. She placed the targets on the trees nearby and came back. 

"Here.", a bow was held out towards me, "Show me how you hold it."

I caught the grip of the bow and suddenly it came to me how it was to be held. I picked a bow from the quill and stretched the string. 

"Is it okay?", I asked nervously because I knew something was amiss.

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