Chapter 8

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"Hi Ione", someone greeted me as soon as we(Kit and Ione) walked into the party. I recognized him as a son of some well known tycoon.

"Hey", I greeted back with a small smile on face.

"How are you?", he asked

"I'm good, how are you?"

"All well, I heard you started archery"

"Yeah, just as a hobby"

"That's great... and whose this?", he asked pointing towards Kit who was standing quietly listening to our conversation.

"This is Kit, my friend.", I said proudly.

"Hello Kit, I'm Peter.", he introduced himself.

"Hi", Kit replied smiling.

"They have arranged a show for us, lets find the best place.", he said holding and tugging at my hand.

"You go ahead, I'll come with Katy.", I said gently pulling my hand away.

Kit slipped his hand into mine and smirked at the guy. Peter turned and walked away with an annoyed expression. We found Katy and Sky at the refreshments table. We all walked into the garden together. A murmur started in the crowd as soon as we entered, some greeted us while others stared. Kit seemed uncomfortable with all the attention so I held his hand and tugged at him to follow. 

The show was a movie which was recently premiered in the theatre. It was an open theatre set up with a white curtain and a projector. We all settled on the blankets and mattress set up for us. The first half of the movie goes smoothly with everyone engrossed in the movie. I decided to get something to eat for us in the interval. 

I got up from my place and carefully walked out of the aisle we were sitting. Towards the end someone purposely stuck their leg in between. I stumbled over that and twisted my right ankle.

"Ouch", I cried out and settled on the grass.

"Oops, my bad, I didn't realize you were walking by.", Sasha said from behind me. I could clearly see that she was not sorry about it but Kit comes over.

"Lean on me.", he said holding my waist to help me stand, "We'll go to the nurse."

"Thank you Kit", I smirked at Sasha before walking away with Kit. She had her eyes on Kit from the moment we entered the party and we were not fond of each other either. Daddy noticed us from a distance and walked over.

"What happened?", he asked sternly.

"I just stumbled in the grass, its nothing daddy.", I said smiling.

"You sure?", he asked concerned, "Let me take you to the nurse"

"Its okay, I'll go with Kit and meet you here in sometime"

"Be careful, princess", he said softly with concern, "Please take care of her"

"Yes sir", Kit replied and helped me walk to the main house. We settled in the parlor and a nurse came over to examine my ankle.

"Its sprained", she informed us, "I'll put on some spray and bandage, avoid putting stress on that foot."

"Thanks", I said gratefully after she was done.

"How did you stumble? You always wear high heels comfortably.", Kit asked after the nurse left.

I smiled at him and said, "You won't understand, I was breaking my new heels so they get comfortable as I wear them regularly."

"Oh", he said with a confused face.

"Lets go back"

We walked back into the garden where daddy was talking with his other friends.

"Hello Ione", Katy's father greeted me, "is your foot okay now?"

"Yes uncle, thank you."

"Princess, this is Sasha's father", daddy introduced me to a man who was short and had a frowning expression.

"Hello uncle.", I greeted him

"Hello, are you alright?", he asked kindly and seemed better than his daughter.

"Yes uncle, thank you"

"Princess, settle down on the sofa.", daddy said and ushered me towards it.

He liked to call me princess and never refrained himself in front of others. Kit got me a glass of juice and we settled on the sofa.

"Do you like the party?", I asked him.

"Its good except for the fact that people keep staring at me."

I laughed a bit and said, "Yeah because you are with me"


"I only hangout with Katy or Sky, so they are taken aback."

"Oh, I'll never understand this", he said shaking his head.

"Its powerplay, you don't need to know it yet."


"Its a dangerous game Kit"

"How do you know about it? Wrong question you're a part of it already", he said answering his own questions. I laughed at him lightly and saw people looking over at us again.

"Its hard to make you smile.", Kit stated as he observed the surrounding staring more as I laughed.

"No, its not", I said

"Why don't you smile often then?"

"No one does things like you do"

"I feel special.", he said with a grin

"Maybe you are.", I stated smiling.

"Hey", our conversation was cut by Sky, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, its just a sprain.

"Be careful", he said


"What are you guys talking about?", he asked

"Just casual things.", I replied.

"Hey, Are you okay?", Katy says coming over, "I heard Sasha did it purposely"

"Don't worry, I'm okay", I said pulling her to sit down.

"I don't like the sound of this but okay", she said

"Don't worry I won't do anything to her", If this would have happened a few months back I would have definitely done something nasty in return for ruining my heels and foot. She was only saved because of Kit.

 A few other friends came over to ask me about my foot but it was mostly the four of us talking and eating. It felt surreal to have such close friends who I can trust after a long time.


Thank you so guys for reading this story and adding it to your reading lists. I hope you guys enjoying it as much I enjoy writing it. The chapter length may vary in the starting but I'll try to maintain them as I write further. A power play at such young age, what do you guys think about that? I would love hear from you..., 

Christmas in 2 days, covid-19 has ruined my plans to go out with my friends, so I'll be home with a cup of hot chocolate binge watching a series or reading on Wattpad. What are your plans? How is the covid-19 situation in your country? take care guys and have a safe holiday. 



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