Chapter 14

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"Kit! Lucas!", I shouted and rushed over to the edge and saw them lying still on the ground. I walked back in and called the main house to tell them about the accident. I climbed down the treehouse and went over to the place they were lying, blood had pooled near their heads which made nauseous and I started crying. I called their names to wake them up.

The maids rushed after a while with a electric van and they carried us back to the main house. Kit and Lucas were taken on stretchers in a hospital van with me and a maid. The maid called daddy and explained the whole situation.

"Ione.", daddy said as soon as he saw me sitting in the waiting room, "What happened?"

"Everything happened so fast...", I said in between sobs, "They were fighting and I don't know but they suddenly lost balance."

"I'm here now.", he said embracing me. The doctors came out after completing the check up and called daddy. They talked in hushed tone far away from me, which scared me even more. I didn't how much time passed by but the scene kept repeating in my head like a broken tape. Daddy kept walking from one ward to another to check on both of them.

"Ione", he came back after a while.

"How are they?"

"Kit is still unconscious but Lucas has woken up." he said seriously and continued, "I want to ask you something, answer honestly."

"Yes", I said wiping away my tears.

"Did you push them off the edge?", It felt like I was on the edge that minute.

"No, I didn't push them.", I said firmly.

"Lucas said you pushed them while they were scuffling."

"Do you believe him?"

"Yes", I felt like I was falling just like they did. Daddy said that and walked away leaving me with my thoughts. Only Kit could justify the truth now.


Lucas was discharged after a couple of weeks. He had fractured his right hand and leg. Daddy made a lot of trips to the hospital in those days, Elice, his mom had also flown down to visit him after she got the news. She kept glaring at me but never said anything because of daddy.

Daddy had decided to dismantle the treehouse but I begged him not to, so it was left as it but no one was allowed to visit it except me. We didn't talk after that incident, he only told me about their health.

I watched daddy help Lucas walk into the house. The sight irritated me, I wondered how Kit might be doing at the hospital. I had thought of asking him after dinner. I opened my science textbook and prepared notes for the next class. I decided to put myself in study prepare notes so after Kit came back it will be easy for him to catch up. I believed that he'll tell the whole truth to daddy and he'll come back to me.

A knock on the door bought me out of my thoughts, it was the maid to call me for dinner.

"Hello sister!", Lucas said as soon as I walked in.

"How are you?", I asked coldly.

"I'm fine, thank you."

"Okay", I pulled out my chair and waited for the dinner to be served.

"Father, please can you cut this for me?", Lucas asked making a pitiful face.

"Sure", daddy took his plate, cut the pieces and started feeding him.

"My right hand is fractured.", Lucas said acting sad. I quietly ate my dinner and got away from there after I was done.

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