Chapter 30

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Kit was on the ground. I lost the last of my patience. I didn't care for whom these people work, now they are going down for touching what's mine. 

The leader came for me first, I caught him off guard by dodging all his movies effortlessly. I finally caught him off guard when he punched air as I ducked under his hand and kicked him in his shins. He fell down holding his balls and I walked away to check on Kit. 

The men who hurt him charged at me together. I punched the first one square in his nose and it started bleeding. I held his nose groaning in pain when I pounced on him and continued punching till the other guy pulled me away. 

I turned around and bared my teeth at him in growl for touching. He gulped but charged at me with his kick which I caught mid air. I pushed his leg away and he stumbled away. Till he could regain his composure, I grabbed his hair and pulled his face up. I snarled at him before slamming that face into my knees till it was a bleeding mess.

Suddenly, a hit took me by surprise and I stumbled. I turned around slowly and walked towards the person who was holding a bat. He looked rather smug with his move and the bat held in front of him. One high kick and the bat went flying. I held him my his neck and grinned. His eyes widened as he tried to pry my hands off. I clenched the fingers close to his throbbing nerve till he was choking for air. He went limp in in my hand. 

I was walking back to Kit when two things happened, one someone had the audacity to throw a sharp object at me which cut my arm and a car drove in to the venue. Someone from the car shot the person. I leaned down to check on Kit. He had bruises all over his body.

"Collect them.", I ordered when I felt someone stand beside me, "I want them in my dungeon."

"Yes mistress."

I helped Kit settle in car and laid his head on my lap. We drove off in the direction of the Mansion. The medics were waiting for us as soon as we reached the porch. I handed him over to the medics and told them to treat him in my room.

I walked towards the punishment room. 

"Mistress, your... h-hand..", the guard saw my hand dripping with blood and offered a handkerchief. 

"Thank you.", I took it gratefully and tied up my hand to stop it from bleeding. 

These people were now going to know that they messed with the wrong person. I walked into the main hall where all were chained naked. 

"You mfs work for Lucas, right?"

"Yes.", the leader answered calmly.

I shook my head and let out a tired sigh before signaling my men to put them in different punishment cells. The first cell had the man tied upside down and hot water poured all over him. The second room had my pet tiger on leash as the man cowered to a corner away from my hungry baby. The third room was the man beaten by metal chains. The last room had my special fuck chair. 

I walked into the fourth room and kept my heel on the leaders thigh as I leaned forward.

"Do not mess with Ione Marlow. No one in the underworld dares to mess with me, if you're left alive, pass on the message."

"Fuck you.", he spat.

"MF! Next time you do that, I'll make sure.", I pressed my heel into his inner thigh.

He turned paled as I walked away. These fucking shits ruined my mood and my servant. I knew Lucas was playing and now he will have to face the consequences of his actions.

I walked to my room and saw Kit sitting dazed. I wanted to ask him many questions but I refrained. 

"Hey, you're up?", I asked towards him with a tray of food.

"Yeah.", he replied hoarsely

"Do you want some water?", I offered him a glass. He accepted it gratefully and gulped it down in one go. His eyes roamed over my hanky tied hands and broken lip. 

"You didn't go to a doctor yet?", he asked voice laced with concern.

"I'll go in a while."

Just then our family doctor walked in and looked at me disappointed. He cleaned the wounds and bandaged them for me. Kit kept glaring as the doctor worked. It was finally done in a few minutes. He checked on Kit before walking away to get the medicine. 

"Why am I on IV drip?"

"You were weak from overworking yourself and caught fever."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah.", I smirked at him, "Here have lunch.", I pushed the tray in front of him.


"I'll have it later."

"Let's share.", he picked some morsels in a spoon and got it closer to me. I almost teared up but I looked away to blink those tears away. We had the rest of lunch in silence.

"Was it drugs in the truck?", he asked after putting the tray away.

"uh-no, it had mild traces of it but the whole shipment was something different."

"Is Lucas being punished for this?"

"No, my men took take care of everything so it'll not reach father."

Silence enveloped us and I couldn't bear to look at his battered body for which I was part responsible. I got up to leave when he asked,

"Are you going to office?"

"I have some work, You rest till then, I'll meet you for dinner."

I walked out of the room to wash up and think about the whole situation. I wanted to know Lucas' intensions behind this. Why is set to destroy us? what is his motive. A quick splash of water of non bruised part woke me up. 

I walked out and changed into fresh clothes and started my laptop to work. It reminded to get my file which was left in my room. I was about to walk in when I heard,

"Are you going to admit that you pulled me and that is the truth?"

"I'll make sure, everyone know the truth.", Kit's voice was firm, it seemed like old times. A smile formed unconsciously.

"No one will believe a servant, ever! Its time to give up Kit. Go back before its too late. This is a dangerous game-"

"Which I'm willing to play.", Kit was again firm with his decision. I heard someone stomp and I hid in the shadows outside the door to see the person.

Lucas walked out after a few moments huffing and puffing. He walked away without looking behind. This was the second time I heard about the truth from eleven years ago. Now I was curious about this truth. 

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