Chapter 2

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A few days later, I walked to the dining room for my breakfast before the classes. I was half sleepy and half awake when daddy greeted me at the dining table.

"Good morning princess."

"Good morning Daddy", I said picking up the cup of milk.

"What is your schedule for today?", he asked which made me fully awake.

"I have school till 4'o'clock, piano class at 5 and swimming practice at 6:30. Sky and Katy will drop by in the evening to play."

He started laughing after listening to the whole thing and said, "You're quite busy"

"Yes", I said smartly and smiled at him.

"I want to introduce you to someone...", that piqued my curiosity.


"Please get him here.", this was the best part, I was super excited to meet this unknown person but I kept a straight face the whole time

"Yes sir.", the maid went to fetch someone.

"Who is it?", I finally asked 

"Your new friend, he is a year or two older than you but he will study with you in the homeschool and other kids."

"Okay.", I continued eating my breakfast while waiting for him to come.

"Hello uncle.", a voice chimed from the door. I checked him out from head to toe as soon as he entered. He had light brown hair which fell into his eyes and he had small eyes which shone. He was simply dressed in a jeans and plaid t-shirt.

"Hello, this is my daughter, Ione", daddy said introducing us, "and this is, Kit. Did you have breakfast already?"

"Daddy", I said sharply, I didn't like anyone interrupting our time together. 

"Yes uncle, thank you.", he said politely, "I'll wait in the study with others"

He walked away towards the study room and daddy turned to me after he was out earshot distance, "Ione, that's not good manners", he said chiding lightly.

"Its one of the few times we spend together and I don't like anyone interrupting it.", I said pouting.

"I know but behave. We'll spend time together on our vacations."

"Vacations are a different thing, anyways where are we going this time?", I asked curiously

"Lets see.", he said shortly and started reading the new paper. I continued having my breakfast silently.

"Its time for your class", he reminded me after a while.

"Yes, will you be home for dinner?", I asked before leaving.

"No Princess, I'll be back home late tonight. Take care of that kid, he is new.", he instructed me before leaving for his work.

I gloomily walked to the study room and settled on my bench reading a book. I usually kept to myself in class and I have a bench reserved in the first row. The boy entered shortly after me and approached me. He said something which I didn't catch as I was engrossed in reading the book.

"Hiii, my name is Kit", he said loudly the second time.

"I heard that in the dining room. What do you want?", I asked without looking up from my book.

"May I sit here?", he said pointing to the place next to me.

"No, look for another seat."

"Every seat is taken in the classroom", I turned around to check and found a seat in the corner of the classroom. I pointed at that without saying anything.

"I can't see the board from there.", he complained with mellow eyes.

"That's not my problem.", I said and he walked away to look for another place. He came back after a while and finally settled on the carpeted floor near my bench.

"Why are you sitting hear?", I asked irritated by his antics.

"No place available and I'm weak at studies", he said meekly and looked at me with mellow eyes again.

"Children, settle down now.", the teacher said as he entered the class.

"You can sit here", I finally said as the class was about to start but he doesn't budge from his place.

"I'm only going to say it once.", I said sharply leaning down on him, he quickly collected his books and settled beside me.

The other children visibly gasped at the view and started murmuring among themselves. I ignored them and opened my notebook to take notes. The first class was English, the teacher started with lesson on adjectives. I completed the given task and waited for others to complete theirs. I observed Kit struggling with something so I peaked into his book to see.

"This is wrong.", I said pointing out the mistake.

"How do I write it then?", I wordless picked my pencil and wrote down the correction in his notebook. The teacher came over to check our work.

"Well done, Ione", she said while Kit stared at me dazed.

The rest of the classes went by peacefully, Kit kept to himself so even I avoided troubling him. The classes ended at 1'o'clock for lunch break and all the kids rushed to their quarters to have lunch. I made my to the dining room.

"Why are you following me?", I asked Kit when I realized steps behind me.

"I thought you didn't notice me."

"Answer my question first."

"I want to have lunch with you."

"Your lunch is with other kids."

"They don't like me and I have my lunch box. We can share."


We walked to the dining room in silence. My lunch was served in a dish, it is a salad with lettuce, cherry tomatoes, beetroot and salad dressing with some bits of meats. He opened his lunch box and the smell of curry and rice wafted out. I eyed it enviously, my diet was usually planned by the nutritionist of the house. It was healthy but I missed the home cooked comfort food sometimes and it was one of those time. He saw my reaction and offered ne some rice and curry which I gladly accepted. It was indeed tasty as it looked, we shared our lunch without talking.

"You look better when you smile", he said after we finished lunch started walking back to the class.

"Don't cross your line", I said walking ahead smiling to myself.


Kit is here and he is here to stay. views on the story? 

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