Chapter 6

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We fell back into our schedules, after that night, Kit didn't ask about the incident or talked about it. A week after the incident, we were up for a surprise, after finishing music class, Emily came in to talk.

"My lady, you'll start range shooting classes from today.", she said.

"I didn't enroll for it.", I said curtly.

"Master has instructed us to send you. It is an bow and arrow class."

"Why didn't daddy ask me before enrolling", I muttered to myself.

"I think it will good for.", Kit said after hearing me.

"May I take Kit with me?", I asked.

"Sure", she said after a thought.

The shooting class was situated at outskirts of the city so the driver took us there and enrolled for us in the academy. I looked around the arena while waiting for the admission to be processed. It had different ranges from gun and bow and arrow shooting. There were compartments separated by glass and each had a different range for practice.

"This way.", the assistant lead the way through maze of different ranges and arenas. He took us to a small compartment which had a bow and quiver of arrows arranged. The target was not so far away from us.

"We'll start with how to hold the bow and arrow today", he started as he gave us a bow and arrow each. He showed us how to hold the bow the right way with right posture.

"Ione, hold the string tightly and lift your elbows", he pushed my elbow up for right posture and said, "Same goes for you Kit."

"Aim and shoot."

The arrow was shot but it doesn't make it to the aim board, I tried again and next time it hits on the board. The instructor told us how to hold the posture and bow. He seemed strict while training but after we were done he praised us on doing well. 

"How was it?", I asked Kit while going back in the car.

"It seems hard at first but its fun", he replied.

"Yeah", I agreed while watching the scenery outside the window. My days are getting hectic day by day, I didn't realize this before but looking at Kit's tired posture told me the obvious. He has been following me to my every class for almost a month now. I hoped to have dinner with daddy so I could talk to him about the classes and all.

"Did you talk to anyone about your mom before", He asked out of blue. I wondered if I did the right thing by trusting him, how long has he been thinking about that? It was hard for me open up about my mom but I hope I did the right thing.

"Only once.", I answered.

"To whom?"

"To my therapist."

"Oh...", he said understanding, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No.", I closed my eyes and to avoid the topic. The rest of the ride went in silence.

"My lady, how was your first class?", Emily asked as soon as we arrived home.

"It was good, thank you."

"Master will be home for dinner tonight."


"Kit, come with me for a while", she called him

"Why?", I asked out of curiosity.

"I just want to talk to him a bit."

"Okay", I said walking off towards my room.

I opened a book to read but I couldn't concentrate on it, my mind wandered off to why was he taking so much time. I got bored while reading the book so I started pacing around the room impatiently. After a while I heard knocking on the door so I quickly settled on the couch with the book.

"Come in", I said curtly. Kit walked in and settled beside me on the couch. We sat in silence for a while, I kept looking at him from sideways but he looked like he was lost in his thoughts.

"Aren't you curious about what we talked?", he asked finally and I badly wanted to know.

"Tell me if you want to", I said nonchalantly.

He smiled and said, "She asked if I'm happy her and if I would like to stay here for a year."

"What did you say?", I asked unable to contain my eagerness.

"I said I'm happy here and...", he purposely took a break, "I would love to stay here."

"That's gr-good", I said as casually as possible but I was very happy internally.

"I'll follow the same arrangement for the year."

"What arrangement?"

"Staying here on weekdays and going back on weekends"

"Oh, that's better."

"I want to ask you something", I said after a while.


"Are you okay with this schedule?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I'm used to this schedule but you don't seem used to it yet."

"I'll get used to it soon, no worries."

"Okay, if you say so but there is no going back on your words now."

"Yes", he promised extending his pinky finger which I held with mine.

We again fell into comfortable silence but this it was cut off by the stuck up maid, "The dinner is served." She said barging into my room.

"Emily didn't call us yet", I replied curtly and turned towards Kit, "Lets complete our homework till then."

I walked to the desk and picked my books to complete the homework.

"Umm... dinner?", Kit asked

"We'll go when Emily or someone else calls us.", I said coldly and the maid stormed off.

"Why do you behave like that?", he said in an annoyed tone.

"If you don't like its not my problem.", I say cooly

"I really want to know the reason.", he said sighing.

"I don't like her, I respect the people who respect me.", I said while keeping my nose in my notebook. The door is knocked again and open my a kinder maid.

"My lady, dinner is served and Master is expecting you and Kit", 

"Okay, thank you, we'll be there in a minute.", I replied.

I gave Kit a "see" look and started walking towards the dining room. Daddy asked us about our first day of class as soon as we settled. I gave a happy response but Kit was nervous around him. We talked about our schedules and activities, while having dinner. 

We all settled in the music room after dinner and I played a happy tune on my piano for him. I tried playing the latest songs. Kit seemed awestruck with my skill so I just kept playing for a long while without realizing when to stop.


Childhood chapter show Kit and Ione's bonds and closeness. I hope you guys are enjoying so far.

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