Chapter 10

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I wore my best dress the next day. I was nervous about meeting my grandmother after so long. I had only met her once during my mother's funeral but that time we were busy mourning for our loss. The whole drive to old mansion was passed in thinking about possibilities about how will she take me in.

"What is my grandmother like?", I asked daddy out of curiosity.

"She is a bit strict so be respectful to her, princess"

"Yes daddy"

"I trust you, you'll be fine", he said nodding to himself.

"What about my surprise?", I asked.

"You'll get it there, I hope you'll take it well", he murmured the last part.

"Yes daddy, don't worry", I said that to assure him but I didn't have a good feeling about this surprise anymore. I just hoped that my grandmother liked me.

We reached the mansion after about the longest drive we took. The car pulled in a driveway and butler came to open the door. He collected out coats and lead the way. We entered the house, there was a huge chandelier made of glass resting on the floor and behind it there was a staircase leading to the second floor.

We turned left and I looked around the house amazed. It was bigger than ours, the interior was Victorian style and it screamed elegance. We walked into the parlor and saw my grandmother. My first impression of her was an old aristocrat dressed up as a con artist. She was wearing a gown with a corset (which old ladies wear corsets?) with a ton of makeup on her face and the room smelled flowery.

"Hello", I said bowing a little in front of her.

"This is my daughter", daddy said introducing me.

"Come here", she said sharply, her voice had an edge to it, which indicated she has commanded a lot of people before. She scowled at me and took a look at me from head to toe.

"Your daughter is very pretty, Paul", she said after inspecting for five minutes and I sighed in relief. I didn't realize I was holding my breath till then.

"Where is he?", she asked.

"He is on the way", daddy replied.

"How is everything back home?", grandmother asked as we settled on the sofa beside her. I took that chance to look around the room while they talked. The room had a throne like chair in which grandmother was seated, there were different sofa scattered around which were arranged when there were a lot of guests.

I wondered who they were expecting, my question was answered when the butler came in and said that the other guest have arrived.

"Okay, get him here", grandmother said with a slight smile on the corner of her lips. She seemed eager to meet his person and I was curious to know who this was. A young boy walked followed by a women in her 40's who might be his mom.

"Hello grandmother.", he greeted formally, "My name is Lucas."

"Come here child.", she said sweetly and I realized the partiality between us. She check him from head to toe and continued with slight moistened eyes, "He looks just like his father."

Grandmother started asking about his school and hobbies. She listened to him patiently and encouraged him in his activities. I wondered whose child was he that won my grandmother's heart. The guy had a different gleam in his eyes, while talking he looked at me and smirked once.

I hated the guy the moment he did that, no one ever dared to do that to me and that spiked my curiosity whose child was he. The women who came in with him started talking with grandmother while the boy enjoyed all the attention he got from grandmother.

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