Chapter 7

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A few months passed by and I got used to having Kit around me. He went home every weekend and I missed him terribly during those days. Our weekdays passed by in school, music, swimming and shooting classes. At night we completed our homework together and talked a bit before sleeping.

"What are your plans with Master for this weekend", he asked me in the break before our last class and I remembered that it was time for our monthly trip.

"I don't know yet, Daddy keeps it a surprise.", I said smiling.

"Good for you"

"Lets see, its time for Christmas too, so hopefully it will be special."

"My lady, there is a parcel for you.", the maid came to inform me in the class.

"Oh, thank you, I'll be right there", I replied and walked off in the direction of the parlor. I opened the parcel and check the material. It was the new shooting gear which I had ordered for ease of practice. Over the past few months our shooting had improved but it gave us a lot of bruises which made it hard while playing musical instruments. 

I walked back to the class and saw Kit surrounded by some boys.

"What is your secret?", one of the boys asked.

"How does that stuck up princess talk to you so nicely.", the second asked.

"You don't know anything", Kit replied fiercely.

"Oh, so are you going on her path of being stuck up.", the first boy continued while others snickered. I clenched my fists unconsciously.

"She is not stuck up, she just treasures her privacy over everything.", Kit said getting up from his bench.

"Don't forget your place, Kit. You'll always be her side kick", third boy said in a pitiful tone.

"If she gets bored of you, she might throw you out of this house, remember that", the first boy said.

"Shut up before I punch you", Kit threatened and I heard some scuffling sound.

"Are you scared?", the guy provoked Kit. I walked in and saw him holding his the boy's collar.

"Kit, leave him", I said in a cool tone, "I don't care about the barking."

I picked my bag and walked out of the class leaving everyone dumbstruck. Kit followed me carrying his own bag.

"Ione!", he called out, "Ione, wait for me"

I walked to the oak tree in the garden. The words by the boys kept spinning around in my head, will I leave Kit? Will he run away after listening to them? Am I such a cold person?

These were the questions in my mind when I settled under the tree and Kit followed my lead.

"Why do you treat everyone like that?", he asked in an annoyed tone.

"I have my reasons", I said playing with the grass on my side.

"You're a good person and everyone should see it", he said gently

"Who told you I'm a good person?"

"I have seen it, Ione"

"Well, I don't want to show it to everyone."


"I don't like them."

"You should be kind to people even if you don't like them"

"I don't trust them", I admitted in a small voice.


"Daddy said don't trust everyone you see, like my mother."

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