Chapter 5

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"The next day, we went for early fishing with the local fisher men. Daddy caught a lot of fishes we which we cooked later for lunch. We grilled some fishes and made curries of different styles. After lunch, we went for beach cleaning activity with local group, they were already working so we just went to help them a bit. It was an amazing day, we had a lot of fun and I mostly slept on our way back home. This was one the best trip.", I narrated the whole trip to Sky, Katy and Kit who came to visit and play here on Monday.

"Wow...", Sky said in a neutral tone.

"You go on trip with your daddy every months, lucky you", Katy said pouting.

"Yeah, its a different adventure every time.", I said and observed Kit staring at me with a dazed expression. He keenly listened to the whole thing but didn't say much.

"What do you think, Kit", I asked.

"At least you get to spend your weekend with your daddy.", he said with a smile.

I wanted to tell them that, those were the only times my Daddy had time for me fully, other times he was always busy with work or something was always on his mind. They were lucky to have dinner with their parents, for me my daddy is everything- my both parents.

"What did you do then", I asked him changing the topic.

"I took care of my little sister and helped mom clean the house.", he said nonchalantly which took us by surprise. We never worked at home or helped in anything at our home unless it our room or personal belongings.

"That's nice too", I said after a moment.

"I went horse riding this weekend", Sky said.

"Wow, how was it? ", Katy asked him excitedly 

"I bet they gave him a pony to ride.", I said giggling 

"How do you know?", Sky asked in an annoyed tone.

"Got ya.", we all started laughing at his expressions.

"I learnt embroidery, I'll do it on some handkerchiefs and gift them to you.", Katy said

"Sure", I didn't want to burst her bubble so I didn't say anything but Sky did.

"Do you know how to hold a needle or even sow the thread?", he asked in a mocking tone.

"Sky, stop being a meanie", I said laughing. Kit kept to himself the whole time, he listened our conversation and laughed occasionally at some jokes.

We talked more about mundane thing and it was time for Sky and Katy to leave. Kit and I have an early dinner in silence. I'm used to it but Kit seemed uncomfortable so we quickly ate returned back to the room. 

We settled on the study table to complete our daily homework. We started with Math and Kit had many doubts in it which I helped correcting.

"It was simple.", I said after solving a difficult question which we were stuck on for quite a while.

"Thanks", he said curtly.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing ", he tried to dodge the question.

"Okay, you know I only ask a question once.", He glanced at me worried and said,

"My parents....", he started


"They are busy making money for the family so they don't have much time to pay attention to small things in my life."

"Its okay."

"I like spending time with my sister. We play, fight, eat and study together."

"That's great."

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