He/They part two: Demus

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Ayye a part two to my other fic yeahh

Tbh I didn't rly plan on making a part two but ppl wanted one so here it is I hope y'all enjoy <3

Songs you should listen to while reading this, recommended by the author: So Will I by Ben Platt, Summertime by mcr, In a Crowd of Thousands from the Anastasia musical, and Run Away by Ben Platt

Tw: transphobia, saying dysphoria isn't real, uhh breaking up, fighting, crying, idk I think that's it

"Jan?" It was a few days later, and Remus and Janus were at school, eating lunch outside together.

Janus took a bite from his sandwich. "Mm?" He hummed in response.

"You know- you know the other day when I said I was thinking about using he/they pronouns?? I wanna try them. At least, with you. And Roman, he can know. But no one else, please? I don't wanna come out all over again just yet."

Janus nodded, and kissed Remus's temple. "Of course honey."

Remus grinned and hugged Janus. "Thank you. I love you Jan."

Janus hugged him back. "I love you too hon." He pulled back and pulled his phone from his pocket, and opened Spotify to turn on a song. The opening piano of So Will I by Ben Platt started playing, and Remus lunged back into Janus's arms.

"Dear god Jan. You- you're perfect. Words can't even describe-"

"Shh." Janus cut them off and hugged them back, placing his phone carefully on the ground. "I know. I love you too baby."

Remus closed their eyes and sighed, feeling completely safe and happy in his boyfriend's arms, with their song playing, calming all Remus's fears and insecurities.

~time skip~

The next day, Remus met Janus for lunch in the school's theater, where Janus  was rehearsing for his role in the school musical, this year it was Anastasia and Janus was Gleb. (Roman was Dmitry.)

"Jan!" Remus ran up to the stage and sat down on the edge, next to where Janus had been going over his script. "Guess what guess what! I have NEEEWWWWSSSS!"

Janus barely glanced up from his script. "What is it Remus?" His annoyance was barely masked.

"I convinced my mom to let me buy a maid dress! AND it comes with the cat ears! Now I can finally complete Virgil's dare from last month and PROVE  I didn't back out." Remus punched the air, clearly feeling ecstatic and triumphant with his purchase.

"That's nice." Janus just shrugged, not even sparking them a glance now.

"Jan?? Are you okay? You're usually excited when things like this happen...we'd celebrate together..." Remus trailed off, unsure if he'd done something wrong to upset Janus.

"Ugh." Janus stood, and snapped the binder holding his script shut, causing a loud thud, making Remus flinch. "Remus, I'm just fine. The problem, here, is you. You always talk about yourself, and you never pay any attention to me, or the things I'm interested in. All you want to talk about is your usual stupid 'chaos' and how 'hard my dysphoria is today, JanJan.' You're just making that shit up, it's not like it's real." He mocked Remus's tone, using his hands to make air quotes, only hurting Remus further.

"Jan?" Remus's voice was shaking.

"Oh hush. We're through Remus. All you care about is yourself, and I can't deal with you anymore."

"I'm leaving you, Remus."

And with that, he spun on his heel, and marched out of the theater, his head held high, walking away without a second glance.

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