I Can't: Logince

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This was purely self indulgent i don't even care

Y'all want a chapter of memes abt fan fics?? I have a lot if anyone's interested in that

Tw: none? 

"Logan! I need your help." Roman knocked on his boyfriend's door, entering when he heard Logan tell him it was okay.

"What's wrong, love?" Logan closed his laptop he'd been writing on and turned to face Roman, listening attentively.

"I can't focus! I can't write, I can't read, I can't work! I can't even relax! I don't know what the heck is wrong with me! Why can't I just sit still and focus like a normal person?!" He groaned and collapsed on Logan's bed, grabbing one of his pillows and curling himself into a ball, resting his head on it.

"Would it help you to note that everyone goes through this from time to time? It is, logistically speaking, impossible to be one hundred percent productive every single day. You're going to experience days when you don't want to leave bed, days when you're creativity just will not create, 'off days' as you like to call them. And it is perfectly okay to feel that, and go through one. I'll be here for you, to hold you and comfort you, or if you wish, to give you the space you need to be comfortable." Logan sat on the bed with Roman, but kept his distance in case Roman didn't want to be close to him right now.

Roman lifted his head from the pillow and made grabby hands at Logan. Logan smiled softly at his little drama queen, and moved next to him, pulling him up to his chest where he could hold him better, and play with his hair the way he knew Roman loved.

"Logan?" Roman spoke up after a few moments of silence.

"Yes love?" Logan looked down at the distressed side in his arms.

"Can we watch Disney?"

Logan nodded, and kissed Roman's forehead. "Of course. Which movie would you like right now my dear."

Roman paused, thinking. "Aladdin? Please?"

"Mhm." Logan hugged Roman up to him again, laying his head on top of his as he turned on Aladdin on the tv in his room with his powers. "Do you want the lights off too love?"

Roman nodded, and Logan flicked the lights off.

"Logan?" Roman's voice quiet.


"I love you."

"I love you too my dear."

~374 words

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