Chapter 9: The Plan

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{Previously on The Kingdom Of Cupiditatem}

While Y/N was asleep in the depths of the dungeon, Techno was in his room pacing with fear thinking of a new question. What will they do when they get Y/N out of the dungeon?
{Techno's POV}
I woke up in a cold sweat, no matter how hard I tried, all I could see when I closed my eyes was Y/N, burning alive, screaming for me to help them.

Why did I care so much? Maybe, my mom was right, maybe Y/N was a witch who put a spell on me. But, hypothetically, if she was a witch what spell had she put on me? I got up and decided to just take a walk around the castle to clear my mind.

I was walking through the walls of the castle, admiring the tapestry when all of a sudden I remembered something. There was a window in every cell, a widow that lead outside. Maybe I didn't have to go into the dungeon to be able to see, Y/N at all.

I start running outside, my steps are silent but my mind is not. I knew that this was a risk, since at night there were a lot of hostile mobs, and there were gonna be a lot of guards to fight them off.

I sneak around the side of the castle and see the windows, they were in cell 5 so I make my way to that window.

As I look through the window I see them. They looked like they were sleeping, their breathing stayed normal. This made me give out a sigh of relief. At least I knew they weren't hurt. "Y/N." No response, "Hey, Y/N." I see a little pebble and I pick it up and gently throw it at them.

They touch their head where I had hit them with the pebble and look up at the window. When they see me they get up and run to the window.

"Techno!" They say in a somewhat whisper yell, "What are you doing? You could get caught, you idiot!" I laugh at their overprotectiveness. "Chill out mom I'll be fine. I just needed to see you...before you know-" They cut me off, "I die?"

I look at them with a sad face, "Don't say that, you should be optimistic. Plus, your not gonna die. I'm getting you out of here no matter what it takes." They look at me with a confused look on their face, "What do you mean?"

I turn around and look to my leg then to my right, making sure no one was listening. "Listen," I say leaning in and putting my voice into a monotoned whisper, "I have a plan."

Hey guys! I know this chapter is short, I'm kinda a writers' block and we're doing practice exams in school to prepare us for our actual end-of-school exams and it's been super stressful. Thank you so much for your patience, I know it's been a while since I last updated and I'm super sorry that this one is super short. I'll try to make the next one longer. Also, what do you guys think of Techno's sister I know she's not in this chapter but still-
Anyways, don't forget to stay hydrated and eat! I love you all and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night! Byeeee

Word count: 576

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