A Rat (part 1)

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{let's just pretend tommy came into an alliance with techno before technos execution}

It was a normal day so far. Techno had told me to watch over carl for him while he goes out mining.

I was sat outside rambling to carl about whatever came to mind when all of a sudden I heard a strange noise come from inside Techno's house.

"What the- Techno! Is that you!" I yelled out as I opened the door to the dark lower part of his house. I couldn't see a thing, except for the faintest of a silhouette in the corner of the room near the wall of chests.

I squint my eyes trying to get a better look.

"No way that's techno, the linings to small and scrawny." I thought to myself as I inch closer, reaching for my sword that was tied around my waist.

"Who's there!" I called out, but was given only faint heavy breathing in response.

"You do know you're trespassing right! My friends going to be back and second now and he won't be as kind as I'm being!" As I inch closer to the figure that i thought was small, it grew bigger. No. It grew taller? Whoever it was they were in a bad condition. I could probably kill them with one swipe of my sword.

"Who are you?" A sort of high pitched little boy voice spoke out in a sort of demanding way.

"Who I am is non of your concern." I said in reply, "You have no business here, so for the last time I am telling you to leave."

The figure reached into its pocket and pulled out something long, out of instinct I drew out my sword. I didn't know what that thing was or if it could be of any danger to me.

The sound of a match echoed throughout the room and a bright light suddenly appeared. I jumped back out of the way of the fiery torch.

"I'm Tommy, I'm uhhh, friend of Techno's. Now, your turn to introduce yourself." I can now see who's standing in front of me, its a young boy he looks to be about 16 or maybe 17. The poor things clothes where all torn up as well.

I analyze him to see if he poses as any threat to me, he doesn't have any armor or any weapon that I can see. Cautiously I introduce myself. "I'm Y/N, and I'm technos neighbor, friend, person, well I mean if you want specifics we're technically supposed to be engaged but it's not official- ANYWAYS, uhh I live next door. What are you doing here I've never seen you before and Technos never mentioned a Tommy to me before."

"Well uh I'm very uhh- forgettable. I was looking for techno, where is he?" He said very suspiciously with one of his hands behind his back.

"What's in your hand?" I ask trying to see what he had. "Oh uh nothing!" He replied quickly.

I grab his arm to see what he had in his hand. It was a bunch of diamonds!

"Thief!" I yell and he laughs nervously in response. "O-Oh would you look at that. H-heh how did those get there?"

I grab him and push him against the wall, "Oh you just wait until Techno gets back he's going to be so angry!" I grab the lead I had from watching Carl and put it around his feet and arms so he couldn't run away.

"You just wait here! And don't move!" I walk out to see if Carl was still there, looking to see if I could spot techno on his way back.

"Come on techno where are you." I mutter quietly to myself.

Hey guysssss! I didn't even realize how long I haven't updated in. Sorry- anyways I'll try to update soon but it might be in like a week or something I dunno it all depends on time and how lazy i feel like being. Anyways have a wonderful day/night/evening! Don't forget to eat and stay hydrated! I love you all so muchhhh! byeeeeeeee

P.S. THANK YOU GUYS SO FREAKNG MUCH FOR 52K views I love all of you so much ahhhhhh!

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