A/N (not a chapter)

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Me: Forgets I'm in the middle of writing a wattpad with 3 THOUSAND READS (thank you guys so freaking much btw), Remembers that this app exists, Sees I haven't updated in 4 days

Ah hahahaha...please don't kill me. I KNOW! I know I haven't updated in a while but like I forgot I was even writing this until I was like, oh wait wasn't I writing something or something.

I promise I will most definitely, probably, 0.1%, not even gonna try to make an excuse cause ima probably be in a writers block cause I put a major thing to close to the beginning of the fanfic book thing I dunno what to call this (because I have no patience and very little writing skills)  and now it's like all weird and messed up.

What I'm tryna say is that it'll probably take me a bit longer to be able write the next chapter. I will try to be able to write this next chapter as soon as possible.

Uhhh haha anyways, don't forget to stay hydrated and eat! I love you all and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night! Byeeee

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