A new friend

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{Y/N's POV}

I'm still very confused. I don't know who Tommy is, who dream is, or even what these disks Tommy is constantly rambling about are. All I know is Techno has been leaving everyday at the break of dawn, to gather supplies, to train himself, to train Tommy. All for a fight with one guy. Why does one small fight need so much training.

I thought I knew a lot about Techno. I mean yeah, we have only known each other for about 5 months, but still, we almost died for each other. We fought for each other. Hell, we've even killed for each other. And now all of a sudden there's these new people in our lives. 

I can't help but feel a sort of jealousy. A sort of spite. I don't know this Tommy kid all that well, and I know it's wrong for me to think of him this way. But, he's taking Techno away from me. All for some stupid disks? What even are disks!

A feeling of rage engulfs me. I feel if getting stronger with each passing day. Each passing moment that I should be spending alone with Techno, slowly being taken out of my grasp. He's slowly being taken from me. 

This isn't normal for me. I'm supposed to be nice. I'm supposed to want to help people, not hurt them. Especially some little kid. I've felt this way for a while. It's a feeling I've never felt before, and it's a feeling I wish I could stop feeling, but it's there. It's always there no matter what I do to distract myself. I felt it attach itself to me when I killed, her. She's the first, only, and hopefully last person I will ever intentionally hurt. But, I had to do. That's what I tell myself. That's how I justify my actions. I had to do it, for my love. For Techno. 

These thoughts, that I've been having all rush out of my mind the second I hear a knock on Techno and I's shared houses door. I walk over and open the door.

In front of me stands a tall man, not taller of Techno of course, but he is still tall. He has blond hair, and facial features that are disguised by the mask he is wearing. He has a crossbow in one hand and an axe in the other. That's something I notice with everyone in this new strange land. They all have weapons. No matter what time of day or night it is, everyone always seems to have a weapon on hand. Everyone, but me of course. Techno says I'm to fragile for a weapon, and he doesn't want me to get hurt. I'm a lot stronger than he believes, but I don't protest. 

"You're not Technoblade." The man says, I don't know how to describe his voice, it has a sort of sooth to it. A voice that would be perfect if used as a weapon of persuasion. 

"Neither are you." I say in turn. I observe everything, I can about this new person. There seems to be a lot of new people recently, I can't keep track of them all, but I try. "I'm, Y/N." I assume he's another associate of Techno. I say associate, because Techno doesn't care for labels such as 'friend'. 

He hums in response. I don't push for him to tell me he's name, cause I really don't care. I'm sure I'm going to care for it in the future, but for now I don't mind calling this man a stranger.

He gently pushes me out of the way. Rude, I think to myself.  He walks into the house, observing the small living room. "Where's Technoblade?" He says more as a demand than a question. 

"Why do you want to know?" I ask in turn. 

"I have some..."he pauses, looking for the right words to say, "..unfinished business that regards him." 

Now, it's my turn to hum in response. "Dunno, he'll be here later though, come back then." 

"How long is later?" He asks now giving me his full attention, something I haven't gotten in a while, someones full attention. 

"Like I said previously, I don't know, you can come back tonight, I'm sure he'll be here then."

He scoffs and starts to make his way back to the door, "Nah, don't have time for that. Give him a message for me will you."

I sigh, "Sure, what is it."

"Tell him..I know who he's hiding, and if he doesn't return him to me, consequences will be payed." 

I can't tell cause of his mask, but I know underneath there's a sadistic smile. I only nod my head and the green man leaves. 

I'm now more confused than ever, but I will  get my answers tonight. I don't care how, all I know is there's no hiding it anymore. Technoblade has to tell me the truth about what him and Tommy and everyone else has been preparing for. 


Hey guys! I really don;t have an excuse as to why I haven't posted in...a year. I just haven't had any motivation to write, but all of a sudden I got the urge to finish what I started, and I will be trying my hardest to put out new chapters as much as possible. Thank you guys so much for being so patient , I love all of you guys so much!  Have a wonderful day/night/evening! Don't forget to eat and stay hydrated! I love your guys! Byeeee! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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