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{Previously on Kingdom of  Cupiditatem}

I lowered my voice during the last part just for me and her to hear.

Because I wanted to be petty,

And I wanted her to know, 

That in that moment,

I was in control.


Blood gushed from her mouth, as it trickled down her chin and onto her neck she muttered four words. Four simple words. 

"Die Slowly You Bi-..." She couldn't find the words to say, or maybe her time had run up. Her little chess game with death was finally over, and I had won. The extra player. The cheater. The one who wasn't even supposed to be there won the game she called her life. 

I felt glorious, like a kid who just beat the boss level in their favorite video game. 

This indescribable feeling washed over me and I lusted for more.  

Is this how Techno had felt after every kill, or was he simply numb. 

I wanted to know what this feeling was. I needed  to know what this feeling was. I needed to know how to obtain more of this joyful feeling. 

In the heat of the moment I noticed her blood was beautiful. The crimson color it had, I placed on of my hands on her wound and let the warm maroon liquid gush onto me. Is this what royal blood was? Is this why everyone wanted her head? For her blood? Or maybe her claret wasn't the worth the price they pay. Maybe it was the putrid look on her face. The look in her eyes as her soul slowly lifts out of her body. 

Maybe she'll watch me in the afterlife. Haunt me for an entirety? Either or I was ready. Because no matter what anybody else says. In this moment I felt on top of the world. And I wasn't coming down anytime soon, no matter the consciences. 

The celebration I had in my mind was hindered by another voice, one that subsided the ones in my head. "Well...a deals a deal...you three are free to go..." I didn't comprehend these words, not even when I got up to untie Techno and Thea. 

The lustful feeling for blood I had just moments ago was gone. And now a wave of guilt rushed over me.

What did I just do...?

why did I do that? Theas going to hate me, even though we haven't known each other long we had already become really good friends! TECHNO! I didn't even think about him, he's going to hate me! 

Never mind Techno or Thea! The kingdom is going to hate me! My parents! I killed their one and only queen! How could I be so selfish. All this trouble over one stupid boy! 


I wasn't doing this for Techno...

I was doing this to save myself...and I don't care what the kingdom thinks...I'd already made it this far I'm not going to stop now!

Before I could realize what I was doing Techno was already untied and pulling me into a hug. "Are you okay ? Did she hurt you? I couldn't really see anything you guys were moving to fast- Oh My Theseus she did get you! Don't worry as son as we get to the rendezvous point I can clean those wounds up for you. Don't worry! Stay calm!" At this point he was full on yelling at me. I could finally feel my senses again and spoke out, "Techno I think you need to take your own advice, and a chill pill while your at it."

Kingdom of Cupiditatem {TechnoXReader}Where stories live. Discover now